Donald Trump

Donald Trump Finally Unloads on Hillary Clinton


Hillary Clinton finally did it on Tuesday. She has now incurred the full fury of the Trump Storm by suggesting the Republican presidential nominee-in-waiting’s policies would add $30 trillion to the national debt over the next 20 years.

Those claims were actually made by Moody’s, but were authored by an economist named Mark Zandi, who Donald Trump was all to happy to share details about. For starters, Trump said, Zandi is a Democrat who was an economic adviser to President Obama.

“Zandi served as an occasional adviser to the 2008 presidential campaign of Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and later provided analysis to support the Obama administration’s stimulus and mortgage-restructuring proposals,” he said. “Mr. Zandi, a Democrat, has donated to the campaign of presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.”

The Trump campaign unloaded a number of bullet points, with attributions, about Zandi:

  • Zandi Advised Obama On Stimulus And Mortgage-Restructuring Proposals. (Nick Timiraos, “U.S. Economy Would Be ‘Diminished’ Under Trump’s Economic Plan, New Analysis Says,” 6/20/16)
  • The White House Website Currently Touts Mark Zandi’s Support Of Obama’s Economic Policies. “A range of independent estimates have confirmed the effectiveness of the President’s actions. According to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, the Recovery Act supported as many as 3.5 million jobs across the country by the end of last year. Princeton’s Alan Blinder and Moody’s Chief Economist Mark Zandi estimate that without the financial interventions and Recovery Act, we would have entered another Depression – there would have been 8.5 million jobs less in 2010, and GDP would have been about 6.5 percent lower.” (“The Recovery Act,”The White House, Accessed 6/21/16)
  • Zandi Was Even Considered For Higher Roles Within The Obama Administration. “The Obama White House had considered Zandi to head the regulatory agency that oversees housing finance, and he had expressed interest in that job, according to media reports.” (Joseph Lawler, “Mark Zandi: “The Go-To Economist When Fiscal War Breaks Out,” The Washington Examiner, 7/18/14)
  • Zandi Has Made The Maximum Personal Contribution Of $2,700 To Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Presidential Campaign. (Center For Responsive Politics, Accessed 6/21/16)

The Trump camp also noted Zandi has donated more than $15,000 to Democrats since 2008. Since 2008, he has not donated any money to Republicans.

But that was just the start of the Trump Storm. Over the next 90 minutes, his campaign released eight more statements and press releases directed at Hillary Clinton. Here’s a summary:

The Catastrophic Economic Record Under Clinton-Obama Policies

    • During the Obama Administration, Median Household Income Has Fallen $1,656, From $55,313 in 2008 to $53,657 in 2014. (U.S. Census Bureau, Accessed 6/1/16)
    • Under Obama, the Number of Americans in Poverty Has Increased by More Than 6.8 Million to 46.7 Million, Up From 39.8 Million in 2008. (U.S. Census Bureau, Accessed 6/1/16)
    • The Poverty Rate Has Increased by 1.6 Percentage Points Under Obama, From 13.2 Percent In 2008 to 14.8 Percent In 2014. (U.S. Census Bureau, Accessed 6/1/16)
    • The Number of Americans on Food Stamps During Obama’s Time in Office Has Increased by More Than 12.4 Million. (“Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program,” U.S. Department Of Agriculture Food And Nutrition Service, Accessed 6/1/16)
    • In February 2016, 44.39 Million Americans Were on Food Stamps, Up From 31.98 Million in January 2009. (“Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program,” U.S. Department Of Agriculture Food And Nutrition Service, Accessed 6/1/16)
    • In April, the Labor Force Participation Rate Was 62.8 Percent, a Level Last Seen in March 1978. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 6/1/16)
    • Since Obama Took Office, the U.S. Homeownership Rate Has Dropped From 67.3 Percent to 63.5 Percent. (U.S. Census Bureau, Accessed 2/2/16)
    • During the 2nd Quarter Of 2015, the U.S. Homeownership Rate Hit a 48-Year Low Dropping to 63.4 Percent. “The homeownership rate hit a 48-year low, according to estimates published Tuesday by the Commerce Department, declining to 63.4% in the second quarter from 64.7% in the year-earlier period.” (Jeffrey Sparshott, “Rising Rents Outpace Wages in Wide Swaths of The U.S.,” The Wall Street Journal, 7/28/15)
    • The Debt Has Increased by 80 Percent Or a Total of $8.6 Trillion, From $10.627 Trillion in 2009 to $ 19.226 Trillion as of May 27, 2016. (“Daily History Of The Debt,” U.S. Department Of Treasury, Accessed 6/1/16)

Hillary Clinton Makes Good Deals With Iran and Her Patrons, Not the United States

In response to media reports that Iran Air has made a deal with Boeing worth up to $25 billion to construct aircraft, Trump noted that Iran, the world’s largest state sponsor of terror, was allowed to enter into those negotiations as a result of the Clinton-initiated Iran Nuclear Deal.

Trump also noted Boeing has donated between $1 and $5 million to the Clinton Foundation, paid President Bill Clinton $250,000 for a speech, and donated $4,000 through its political action committee to Hillary Clinton’s senatorial bid in 2006. While Secretary of State, he further alleges, Clinton helped secure a multi-billion-dollar deal between Boeing and Russia by relaxing State Department rules to allow a $2 million donation to the USA Pavilion at the Shanghai Expo.

He also alleges the Clinton-run State Department helped to secure a series of weapons deals between Kuwait and Boeing.

“This is another example of Clinton’s pay-to-play governing style,” he said. “She will cut deals with our foreign adversaries as long as they are willing to line her pockets—whether it’s overlooking human rights abuses in Algeria for $500,000, or accepting up to $25 million from Saudi Arabia as their government violently oppresses LGBT individuals. Clinton uses the State Department to enrich her family and her foundation, while making the world a less safe and more violent place.”

Trump Economic Plan Will Create Millions of Jobs and Trillions in New Wealth

Quoting from analyses of his economic plan by the Institute of Energy Research, the Tax Foundation, the National Association of Manufacturers, and the Economic Policy Institute, Trump noted his plan has been widely hailed as a job and wealth creator. Meanwhile the “Obama-Clinton economy” has produced wages for many workers lower than 1970s wages and a record 94 million people outside the labor force.

Secret Service Agent: Unstable, Erratic, Violent Hillary Unfit to Lead a Country

While Clinton claims that Mr. Trump does not have the temperament to be President, she ignores her own lack of poise under pressure. Secret Service agent Gary Byrne reports on the countless examples of Clinton not having the composure to handle the rigors of the Oval Office.

Byrne, who protected the Clintons for eight years in the White House, summarized his assessment as follows: “She simply lacks the integrity and temperament to serve in the office. From the bottom of my soul I know this to be true. And with Hillary’s latest rise, I realize that her own leadership style—volcanic, impulsive, enabled by sycophants, and disdainful of the rules set for everyone else—hasn’t changed a bit.”

The U.S. Has Lost More Than One-Quarter of Its Manufacturing Jobs Under Hillary-Backed Trade Policies

The Trump camp quotes heavily from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Congressional Research Service, the Economic Policy Institute and the U.S. Census Bureau. Here are some of the most damaging numbers:

    • In May 2016, the U.S. had 12,285,000 manufacturing jobs, down from 16,855,000 in January 1994, which is a 27-percent decline.
    • The U.S. trade deficit with TPP member countries in 2015 cost 1,057,200 manufacturing jobs. The direct, indirect and respending jobs displaced by the U.S. trade deficit with TPP member countries totals 2,025,800 jobs lost.
    • During Clinton’s four years as Secretary Of State, year-on-year trade deficits with China increased by $89 billion, or over 39 percent.
    • In 2012, the U.S. trade deficit with China was $315 billion, up from $226 billion in 2009.
    • During Clinton’s four years as Secretary Of State, the Global U.S. Trade Deficit increased by $227 billion, or more than 45 percent.
    • During Clinton’s four years as Secretary Of State, the U.S. lost 560,000 manufacturing jobs.

Hillary Clinton Laundered Money to Bill Clinton Through Grants to Laureate Education

In response to further attacks about Trump University, which he said provided an “incredible learning experience for students,” Trump leveled some of his most explosive charges against the Clintons:

“As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton laundered money to Bill Clinton through Laureate Education, while Bill Clinton was an honorary chairman of the group. Clinton’s State Department provided $55.2 million in grants to Laureate Education from 2010-2012. Laureate thanked Bill for providing unbelievable access to the Secretary of State by paying him off $16.5 million. This is yet another example of how Clinton treated the State Department as her own personal hedge fund, and sold out the American public to fund her lavish lifestyle. Laureate made money by racking up student debt on vulnerable students.”

Clinton’s Policies Helped Create the Mortgage Meltdown

“First, Hillary Clinton fueled the mortgage meltdown, now she wants to bring in millions of low-wage workers to drive down salaries for the most vulnerable Americans—all to boost profits for her special interest donors,” Trump said. “Meanwhile, her bad judgment continues with her plan to put coal miners ‘out of business,’ raise taxes by over a trillion dollars, and expand regulation by executive order—destroying millions more jobs.”

Treat People With Dignity? Hillary Takes Millions From Regimes That Brutalize Women and LGBT Residents

“What Clinton said today: ‘If you believe as I do, America values hard work and treats people with dignity, offering everyone the chance to live our dreams and care for those in need, well, the formula for America’s success has always been that we are stronger together.’

“Versus: Behind closed doors, Hillary Clinton uses State Department access and favors to rake in massive sums of money from some of the most oppressive regimes on planet earth.”

The Trump campaign included a chart of donations, ranging from $21.2 to $65.6 million, from the following regimes:

    • Algeria — $250,000 to $500,000
    • Brunei — $1,000,000 to $5,000,000
    • Friends of Saudi Arabia — $1,000,000 to $5,000,000
    • Oman — $1,000,000 to $5,000,000
    • Qatar — $1,000,000 to $5,000,000
    • United Arab Emirates — $1,000,000 to $5,000,000
    • Zayed Family (rulers of the UAE) — $1,000,000 to $5,000,000
    • Kuwait — $5,000,000 to $10,000,000
    • Saudi Arabia — $10,000,000 to $25,000,000

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