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Planned Parenthood Might Get a SLAPP in the Face


Wednesday, the Center for Medical Progress and David Daleiden plan to “SLAPP” Planned Parenthood in the face.

Attorneys from Life Legal Defense Foundation, which is representing CMP and Daleiden, will appear in federal court in San Francisco at 5 p.m. EDT to present oral arguments for an “anti-SLAPP motion.” If they are successful, the lawsuit launched by the abortion giant last year after the release of undercover videos that exposed its sale of aborted baby body parts could be thrown out entirely.

SLAPP means “Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation.” It is, generally, a malicious or frivolous lawsuit that “chills” First Amendment-protected speech.

In essence, Life Legal argues Planned Parenthood filed the lawsuit for the sole purpose of silencing CMP and Daleiden. The California anti-SLAPP law was enacted in 1992 to protect First Amendment rights.

However, the case is not shut and closed. California also has a law that prohibits anti-SLAPP motions in response to some cases of “public interest litigation,” and in some actions against a business that arise from commercial statements or conduct of the business. Planned Parenthood’s attorneys are likely to point to this statute in defense of their actions.


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