Avi Dichter

Former Head of Shin Bet: World is ‘Hideously Naive’ About Aid to Hamas


In the wake of allegations that “tens of millions of dollars” in donations to World Vision was instead funneled to the terrorist organization Hamas, the former head of the Israeli security bureau Shin Bet is speaking out.

In an interview with the Times of Israel on Monday, the Knesset’s Defense Committee Chairman, Avi Dichter, warned that world is “hideously naive” about charity that is redirected to Hamas. He said the World Vision matter is just the beginning of the revelations to come, and that “almost 100 percent” of U.N. refugee workers in Gaza are members of Hamas.

According to the Times report:

“World Vision is only a small example,” Dichter said, declaring that other, similar, organizations “know very well that they are funding Hamas.”

“The fact that the donating world, which is recruited to help refugees and the needy, doesn’t understand that its cash is being pumped for terror uses … it is a naive world to the point of being hideous.

“When you look at groups like the U.N. and enlightened countries that, with well-established worldviews, fall into the trap set for them by Hamas and Islamic Jihad, it just is amazing to see the extent and power with which it plays out year after year after year.”

World Vision insists it conducted audits that ensured its financial aid was going to “those who need it most.” It said Monday that the Israeli government’s allegations “don’t add up.” The Israeli Foreign Ministry, however, said the charity was underselling its role, and that Muhammad el-Halabi, manager of the charity’s operations in the Gaza Strip, has already confessed to funneling the money.


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