WWE Wrestles to Include LGBT Characters in Their Storylines

World Wrestling Entertainment chairman Vince McMahon looks out at the crowd during a segment of NBC's

Despite the 1 Thessalonians 5:22 command to abstain from even the appearance of evil, American society pushes to embrace immorality.  

This time, it’s the World Wrestling Entertainment company’s plan to include LGBT-positive arcs in their storylines.  

“When it makes sense … absolutely we will integrate LGBT story lines into our programming,” WWE Chief Brand Officer Stephanie McMahon said at a recent event. 

The announcement comes shortly after first-out wrestler Pat Patterson released his book, Accepted.  

“It is a lot easier now, of course. People are more accepting now,” Patterson told Newsweek. 

But conservative Christians have been protesting the rise of LGBT characters in media for years.  

“For families who seek to follow Christ and earnestly live out their faith, there is nothing happy in this report,” said Dwayne Hastings, former vice president at the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, in 2011.

“Those who push for so-called homosexual rights and lobby for same-sex interests … have a powerful ally with deep pockets in the entertainment industry who are more than willing to use their media to recast the homosexual lifestyle as normative.”

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