
Alveda King Calls for Prayer This Election Weekend


Where are God’s appointed spiritual voices today—aside from urging Christians to vote and making the King Cyrus observations related to the upcoming election—where are we who are called to be today’s Daniels, Esthers, Nehemiahs and Ezras?

Are we praying, fasting, rebuilding and evangelizing?

We urgently need to transcend the political frequency where we are praying for specific candidates to be elected or not elected. While this is part of the scenario, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. We are facing spiritual corruption at the highest levels.

Read Ephesians 6 please. Plead the blood of Jesus. Bind the devil. Loose God’s high praise!

This weekend lead or join an election prayer movement. There are several already in motion.

This scourge of evil we are facing is not new. Daniel was in office the first year of King Cyrus’ reign. Daniel and Esther fasted and prayed. Ezra and Nehemiah rebuilt the wall. It all goes together!

Jezebel and Ahab are breathing fire in this election—not gender-specific in humans. We must fast and pray. The highest form of warfare is breakthrough praise that God inhabits and worship in spirit and truth attained as we fast and pray.

“The battle is a spiritual battle. The battle is not against flesh and blood. Jezebel is not a person. Jezebel is a spirit. The spirit of Jezebel wants this nation, the nations. Even though confronted, remember this spirit resists, accuses, controls, twists, manipulates, intimidates, seduces and destroys. Remember this: This spirit will come out by prayer and fasting, declare My Word, My authority. Stand together, pray, fast. Church, hear Me. My people, you can do this. Who is on My side?”

“I know your works, love, service, faith, and your patience, and that your last works are more than the first. But I have a few things against you: You permit that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce My servants to commit sexual immorality and eat food sacrificed to idols. I gave her time to repent of her sexual immorality, but she did not repent” (Rev. 2:19-21).

“When Jehu came to Jezreel, Jezebel heard about it. She put black paint on her eyes, adorned her head, and looked down through the window. As Jehu entered in at the gate, she said, ‘Is everything all right, Zimri, murderer of his master?’ And he lifted up his face toward the window and said, “Who is on my side? Who?” And two or three eunuchs looked down to him. He said, ‘Drop her down.’ So they dropped her down and some of her blood splattered on the wall and on the horses. Then he trampled her” (2 Kings 9:30-33).


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