U.S. President-elect Donald Trump talks to reporters as he and his wife, Melania Trump, arrive for a New Year's Eve celebration

Trump’s Election Is a Prophetic Picture of Your 2017 Breakthrough


As we approach the inauguration of Donald Trump as president of the United States, let’s pause to remember the magnitude of this miraculous event. Its significance: It is a sign of breakthrough to encourage each of us in our lives.

Senior prophetic leaders with whom I relate are unanimous in underscoring the word “breakthrough” as the God-ordained theme for 2017. This is not a cliché or “feel good” exhortation. It’s rooted in revelation, and we all have the opportunity to benefit from it.

Scripture tells us, “He who breaks through has gone up before them; they will break through and pass the gate and go out by it. Then their king will pass on before them, the Lord at their head” (Micah 2:13). This is a “now” word for us today.

Have you endured a longstanding illness? Are you desiring a return to “first love” intimacy with Jesus? Has that wayward child drifted long enough? Has your ministry breakthrough seemed elusive? Have you persevered in prayer, yet the heavens seemed like brass?

As a plane rattles through turbulent air and then breaks free into the calm, it’s time for discouragement and unbelief to be set aside so we may receive our inheritance.

My almost 40-year friend, James Goll, shared with me recently that this is a time of convergence and crossing a threshold after years of patiently waiting. He’s brimming with excitement, saying, “Discard disappointment, discouragement and distraction; let the flood break through the dam that’s been holding up answers for decades.”

Trump’s Election is Our Sign

I’m convinced that future generations will look back on Donald Trump’s miraculous ascendancy to the presidency as an epochal moment. People will ask, “Where were you that election night?”

All of us have stored away memories of extremely significant personal events, like a wedding or unexpected death of a loved one. Then there are unprecedented, almost unbelievable events that lodge in the collective consciousness of a nation. Can you relate to any of these?

* 9/11

* Challenger disaster

* American moon landing

* JFK assassination

* Berlin Wall and USSR collapse

* 2008 Bank/Market crash

* Cuban Missile Crisis

* The Cubs’ 108-year breakthrough

* Celebrity deaths of Elvis, Lennon, Jackson and Princess Di

We now add a 10th one to this list:

* The 2016 historic election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton

To honor God for His divine intervention and to encourage ourselves in our individual situations, consider these seemingly impossible obstacles that were all overcome. May we not lose sight or take lightly these “un-scalable walls” that came crashing down for Trump to triumph.

20 Insurmountable Obstacles

Consider these seemingly unbeatable hindrances to an outsider like Donald Trump vanquishing “Goliath” in the 2016 presidential election. The miracle and magnitude of his victory should be savored by reflecting on each one.

1. Hillary Rodham Clinton, with decades of experience and connectedness, labeled by the current president of the United States as the “most qualified candidate for president ever”

2. The two largest electoral states and Democratic strongholds, California and New York, automatically in her corner

3. A massive and well-organized Democratic Party machine geared up to vanquish all opposition

4. The lure and excitement of electing the first woman president following the election of our first black president

5. The entertainment industry’s celebrities, including Oprah Winfrey, Meryl Streep, Madonna, Bruce Springsteen and Katy Perry plus sports superstars like LeBron James with their massive followings, all engaged to elect Mrs. Clinton

6. Almost complete solidarity in the African-American community to support Barack Obama’s choice and heir-apparent

7. Overwhelming support from the Hispanic community and its influential leaders

8. Many young and older women ecstatic about electing the first female president

9. Over $1 billion available for the campaign

10. An incredibly popular sitting president actively campaigning and speaking for Hillary’s candidacy

11. A revered First Lady also actively campaigning and supporting Hillary’s candidacy

12. Another very popular former president, Bill Clinton, engaged in actively campaigning for the Democratic candidate

13. A divided Republican establishment with Jeb Bush, two Bush former presidents, John Kasich, Carly Fiorina and others non-supportive of Mr. Trump

14. Almost the entire media, newspapers and TV commentators, arrayed against the Trump candidacy

15. Academia in near-solidarity opposing a Trump presidency

16. Silicon Valley tech giants openly against Mr. Trump as president

17. Billionaire George Soros and his organization aggressively opposing Trump and supporting Hillary Clinton

18. Clinton Foundation donors, awaiting their payback, backing Mrs. Clinton in overt and covert ways

19. LGBTQ advocates intentionally giving huge sums of money plus volunteering for Mrs. Clinton’s election

20. The AFL-CIO and Planned Parenthood, representing countless millions, endorsing Hillary Clinton, volunteering workers and investing megabucks to assure her “sure thing” election

Get the picture?

Add to it orchestrated, skewed polls convincing multitudes that the election was over; an avalanche of biased, cruel and oftentimes dishonest character assassinations of Mr. Trump, undermining his admittedly flawed character; non-stop articles and commentaries by pundits outraged by Mr. Trump’s utter defiance of political correctness; and finally, images almost everywhere of a beaming Hillary Clinton projecting her “inevitable” coronation and landslide victory (Newsweek magazine even had a printed election edition with a picture of Hillary Clinton on the cover under the title, “Madam President”).

Hillary Clinton was evasive, deceptive and an avid supporter of taxpayer-supported abortion until the moment of birth. She was committed to appointing pro-abortion judges to the Supreme Court, influencing our nation for generations.

 Her loss was not due to a bias against women but her lack of competence and character. Indira Gandhi, Golda Meir, Margaret Thatcher, Angela Merkel and Cory Aquino were elected because they were qualified, not because of their gender. Having said this, Mrs. Clinton deserves our ongoing prayers as she faces an uncertain future after this devastating and embarrassing defeat.

The God Factor

God’s people awakened after eight horrible years of the Obama Administration and the damage done in the name of his “fundamental transformation of America.” Multitudes prayed, fasted and came out of their caves to speak up and act out biblical convictions to see our nation’s Judeo-Christian heritage reclaimed. Franklin Graham called it “the God factor.”

As the Inauguration draws near, let us unite in prayer for safety, healing and spiritual restoration in our land. Let’s give glory to God for a new start and celebrate while recognizing our work has just begun.

As the towering figure of the 20th century, Winston Churchill, exhorted, “This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end.

But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”

Here’s the deal: The upcoming Inauguration represents an incredible prophetic sign and reminder of our miracle-working God. He loves us and is so merciful, desiring that each one of us experience our long-awaited breakthrough in 2017, no matter how insurmountable the odds. {eoa}


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