I will be dancing in the streets on Inauguration Day.

Why I’ll Be Dancing In the Streets on Inauguration Day


We’ve had eight years of the absolute worst two-term president in the history of the United States.

We’ve had eight years of war and strife, the lowest economic growth in American history, record numbers of mass shootings, record numbers of people on food stamps, record numbers of high health insurance costs and record numbers of high national debt.

We’ve had the worst rioting since 1967, and the highest poverty level in American history, while multitudes still dare to call his presidency a success.

I think President Obama’s track record in the past eight years is incomprehensible. He hates America and everything American, including our flag, our Constitution, our Bible, Christians, our military and vets.

He is the most corrupt president we’ve ever had. He loves our enemies and hates our allies. It is so difficult to believe that this man was elected by the people to become our president.

I’m convinced that Obama and his minions were out to systematically destroy our nation according to Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, of which Obama was a disciple, supporting radical Muslim groups worldwide, opening our southern border and turning a blind eye to the genocide being perpetrated on Christians all over Africa and the Middle East. The more damage Obama did, the more arrogant he became.

During Obama’s two terms, our nation and our government have been infiltrated by people set on destroying us, including a host of Muslim loyalists, some supposedly with ties to radical Islam. It would have gotten worse if Hillary Clinton was elected, as she was his chosen predecessor to place the final nail in the coffin, so to speak, and turn our nation into a full-blown socialist nation, à la Europe. What would have followed shortly thereafter, perhaps sooner than many of us have thought, would have been atheistic communism in a nation that would’ve lost her birthright.  

Eight years of broken promises and leading from behind. Eight years of eroding the values and destiny this nation was founded upon. Eight years of division, mismanagement and feigned diplomatic powerlessness, all marketed under the hideously deceptive slogan of “hope and change.” And, as one of his final acts, he betrayed America’s closest ally Israel in an act of utter cowardice.

A part of those eight years included hearing Obama praise Planned Parenthood, that abortion-loving, baby-killing machine; gloating in a lit-up, rainbow-colored White House on that dreadful night of June 26, 2015 when same-sex “marriage” was instituted as a federal law by the SCOTUS; as well as his infamous statement during his 2012 speech that “the future does not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”

As one who has a strong Christian worldview, those three statements or actions were highly offensive to me (Jesus Christ is Lord of all). Think about them for a moment. Murder of the most innocent, abomination of the highest degree according to Romans 1:18-32, and a stand for false religion (Jesus Christ is Lord of all). That is all you need to know about the evil character of this man.

I have great respect for the office of the presidency of the United States of America, but from the beginning of his reign, this man was not my president. I prayed for him many times, asking God to grant him repentance, that his eyes would be opened to see the truth that is in Jesus, and I’m still hopeful that he will be delivered from the darkness and evil that blinds him and binds him. May God have mercy on his soul.

Half the nation is still blinded to the powers of darkness that attempted to hijack our nation through this miserable president in the last eight years.

I’m so glad Barrack Hussein Obama is leaving the White House this week. I’m so glad the Lord miraculously intervened, stopped the madness and extended mercy to our nation.

Stop listening to the liberal media who have turned on our new president, Donald Trump. Some of you have been blinded by the arrogant press coverage that constantly harps on his rough outward exterior and all the blunders he has made. I have seen that the mind and will of God is different toward this man. I wasn’t sure of Mr. Trump at first, but now I am hopeful and actually believe he will be one of the most transformational presidents America has ever had. 

Knowing the prospect of the evil and darkness that has been aborted and the hope and light that is now being birthed, I rejoice. God has fooled everyone, including the liberal media. The curse that had been upon this nation has been removed.

That is why I will be dancing in the streets on Inauguration Day. {eoa}


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