1 Million Moms Outraged Over ‘Vile, Disgusting’ New TV-14 Rated Show

The cast of 'Teachers'

TV Land continues to air the vile program Teachers on Tuesday evenings at 10:00 p.m. ET/9:00 p.m. CT with a TV-14 L rating, but the previews air much earlier in the evening when children are likely watching TV. The vulgar advertisements for Teachers are airing during shows such as the Andy Griffith Show and other family-friendly programs. The previews alone are disgusting, and that is extremely disturbing since it involves a young cast. If the promos are this bad, then obviously the show is not suitable for TV.

It is almost impossible to describe the depth of depravity found in the TV Land sitcom Teachers. Every scene is filled with sexual innuendos, implications or encounters.

Teaching is an honorable profession, but oftentimes a thankless job. 1MM wants to support and encourage educators, not belittle, mock or bring them down as TV Land is doing.

TV Land is encouraging crude dialogue, offensive gestures at school, teachers being cruel to young children and questioning authority. Teachers is irresponsible and an insult to women and teachers. {eoa}

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