Creative Arts Ministry Targets Muslims With Gospel

Taco, a creative arts ministry based in Turkey, sees Muslim peoples everywhere as their audience. Doing at least six tours per year outside of Turkey, Taco has traveled in 2012 to Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Egypt, Kosovo and Albania to see Muslims reached with the gospel.
During Taco’s summer tour to Albania, Dave, the Taco team leader, was breakfasting with a local OM worker who introduced him to four Albanian guys who sat down and joined them. They turned out to be local evangelists and church planters who had a passion to see a church planted in over 40 towns and villages in Albania. They wondered how Taco could help.
After several months of prayer and planning, Taco returned in September with musicians, dancers and unicyclists, all prepared to share both publicly from the stage and one-on-one with people they met. The local church planters prepared the soil in seven villages and towns, where Taco performed and preached in 11 different venues. ‘Crowds’ were sometimes in the hundreds and sometimes in the dozens—but the team presented their same high-quality program wherever they traveled and were eager to share with individuals after each performance.
Surveys were collected from each event and and then the church planters went into high gear, calling and emailing everyone who had completed a survey. The impact of the partnership was felt particularly in Bostan*, where the local church planters held a follow up meeting two days after the events. Of the 60 people that attended, 55 came as a result of the Taco events. The team held their first church service that Saturday night.
Taco’s mission is to creatively proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Muslim peoples everywhere. If you are thinking how Taco might help you reach Muslims in your location, contact [email protected].
*name of town changed for security

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