Planned Parenthood of Alabama Clinic in Birmingham

Alabama Pro-Life Group Calls for Immediate Closure of Planned Parenthood Clinic


After a health inspection report for the Planned Parenthood facility in Birmingham, Ala., detailed 15 pages of violations, CEC For Life, a ministry of the Charismatic Episcopal Church, is calling for its immediate closure.

The group will hold a press conference at 11 a.m. EST outside the abortion facility to discuss its documented history of non-compliance with state regulations. The most recent health inspection documented dozens of violations, but among the most serious were:

  • failure by physicians to document fetal viability;
  • failure to document if patients viewed the ultrasound;
  • failure to provide patients being discharged with the name or number of the emergency physician, or a list of medications administered at the clinic; and
  • failure to properly sterilize surgical instruments.

While Planned Parenthood insists it must continue to be allowed to provide its “services” because the alternative would be detrimental to women’s health, the reports from the Alabama Department of Health suggest otherwise. CEC for Life Director Fr. Terry Gensemer said that while the above list is merely a fraction of the deficiencies state inspectors have identified, they alone should warrant the facility’s closure.

The September 2016 inspection report, however, is just one in a “long line of documentation demonstrating [the facility]’s complete disregard for regulations set in place to protect Alabama citizens.”

“In 2010, this facility was placed on a year-long probation after failing to report cases of statutory rape,” he said. “In 2012, it was sued for negligence when their abortionist performed a surgical abortion on a woman with an ectopic pregnancy, rendering her infertile. In 2014, its employees were caught selling abortifacients in the parking lot.

“How many chances will ADPH give this dangerous facility, and how many women will have to pay the price? This facility shows no regard for patients’ lives or regulations of the state they wish to operate in. They should be shut down immediately, not given another free pass.” {eoa}


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