A gender-neutral bathroom

Absolute Proof Sexual Predators Are Taking Advantage of Bathroom Bill Laws


Family activists warned allowing transgender people using the restroom of their choice would lead to perverts abusing the system and harming victims.

“It is important to note that the concern is not that transgendered individuals are more likely to be sexual predators, but rather that sexual predators could exploit such laws by posing as transgendered in order to gain access to women and girls,” Family Research Council said in a statement. “Beyond this, when companies such as Target implement any-sex bathroom/dressing room policies, it encourages criminals to take advantage of these policies to commit crimes.” 

They were right, according to several incidents that continue to add up since gender-neutral bathrooms were instated.

In January, a man was charged with voyeurism after he placed a camera in Target’s family restroom.

In another Target incident, a man was caught peering over the changing room stall with his cell phone camera. This report was the third of its kind—in a week. 

Most of the incidents occurred at Target, which refuses to back down from its push for gender-neutral restrooms.

Click here to see more related incidents. {eoa}


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