Parents Can’t Opt Their Kids Out of Elementary Sex Education Classes

Controversial plans to enforce relationships education in primary schools will include no right of withdrawal for parents, it has emerged.

Controversial plans to enforce relationships education in primary schools will include no right of withdrawal for parents, it has emerged.

Yesterday evening the government released an official policy statement, outlining its plans to create a new statutory subject of “‘Relationships Education” in primary schools across England.

The statement reveals that the subject will include teaching on “different types of relationships” as well as “boundaries and consent.” Alarmingly, it also states that parents will not be allowed to withdraw their children from these lessons.

‘Different Relationships’

Responding to the move. Laura Perrins, co-editor of the Conservative Woman website, stressed that parents would be sidelined:

“Parents are best placed to discuss these sensitive issues with their own children, not the government or strangers in the classroom.

“This state bullying should be resisted by all families. Such ‘education’ could include encouraging young children to doubt their gender or biological sex.”

LGBT Relationships

According to the government’s policy statement, relationships education is likely to focus on “different types of relationships,” “family relationships” and “healthy relationships.” This could include teaching on homosexual and bisexual relationships as well as same-sex parenting and same-sex marriage.

A secondary-level subject called Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) will also be brought in, which would include teaching on “sex, sexual health and sexuality.” The government states that parents would retain the right to withdraw their children from this, although the details have not yet been set out.

The government’s plans have been introduced through an amendment to the Children and Social Work Bill, which would give Education Secretary Justine Greening the power to “make Relationships Education and RSE statutory through regulations.”

Stay Informed

Over the next few months, ministers will consult on the proposals with a “wide range of interests and expertise.”

Homosexual lobby group Stonewall has already said it will be pressing the government to ensure LGBT issues are “reflected in updated guidance for schools.”

To stay informed on the government’s plans, follow The Christian Institute on social media. 

This article originally appeared on The Christian Institute. {eoa}

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