John Podesta

Report: John Podesta May Have Been the Target of Russia’s ‘Influence Campaign’


Whether or not Russia tried to influence the American government really isn’t even up for debate, although the legality of it may be.

What is debatable is how much influence the Russians actually had over the 2016 presidential election, and how much it may have over the Trump administration. So far, there’s no evidence to suggest it has any influence over the White House, despite Democrats’ and liberal mainstream media attempts to create that narrative.

But a new report from The Daily Caller suggests a key member of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s campaign team is under Russian influence. Richard Pollock reports:

John Podesta, national chairman of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, may have opened himself up to a Russian “influence campaign” designed to temper his views of the Kremlin …

Some national security experts interviewed by The DCNF wonder if Podesta may still be a target of Russian influence. They trace the campaign back to his company board membership, in which one-third of the board were top Russian businessmen with direct ties to the Kremlin.

The last time Podesta talked negatively about Russia was Dec. 18, 2016, when he charged in an NBC Meet the Press interview the 2016 election was “distorted by the Russian intervention.”

The former Clinton national campaign chairman has since been silent, even as other former top Clinton aides, such as Robby Mook, Brian Fallon and Jim Margolis have repeatedly aimed high-decibel rhetoric at President Donald Trump about Russian “meddling” in the 2016 presidential race.

Click here to read the entire report. {eoa}


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