
Megachurch Will Not Stream Zachery Tims Funeral Service


After early plans to stream megachurch Pastor Zachery Tims’ funeral service online, New Destiny Christian Center has decided to keep the event private. The service will not stream online or be open to media.

Tims, 42, was found dead in a New York City hotel room on Aug. 12. The cause of death has not yet been determined. About 2,000 people attended NDCC on Monday night to grieve Tims’ death.

Speakers have not been announced for the funeral, though Orlando, Fla., news station WESH-TV is reporting that Bishop T.D. Jakes may be present. On Thursday afternoon, Jakes tweeted that he was traveling to Orlando to be with Tims’ family.

“Pray for me as I head to Orlando to join countless others bringing comfort to the Tims family and New Destiny,” tweeted Jakes, senior pastor of The Potter’s House in Dallas.

A Friday night memorial service will start at 7 p.m. after a public viewing. Tims’ funeral is scheduled for Saturday at 11 a.m. at First Baptist Church of Orlando after a 10 a.m. viewing.


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