Former Trans Men Explain ‘All the Lies’ Surrounding the Glorification of Transgenderism

Participants dance under a rainbow flag during an annual LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) pride parade.

Today’s culture has seen the denial of biology’s concept of sex and gender, with California going to the level of passing a law to punish caregivers who use incorrect pronouns. There are those who have suffered through hormone treatment, lied to in the name of access to what their doctors saw as “care.”

Two men, who are named on The Federalist as Paul and Taylor, recently shared their stories in the aptly titled “What Two Former Trans Men Want You To Know About All The Lies.”

Paul, who is now 38, worries about if he will even live to old age, and says that he’s “been forced into celibacy.” His detransition, which doctors told him he could not actually do, was full of physical and emotional pain. {eoa}

Click here to read the rest of this story from our content partners at Faithwire.

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