‘I Killed The Image of God’: How Faith United These Bitterly Divided Enemies
A woman mutilated by her neighbor.
A traitor filled with the Spirit behind bars.
A farmer betrayed by his friend.
A young man orphaned, the only survivor in a 40-person family.
A murdered convicted by prophecy.
Twenty-five years ago Sunday, April 7, the Rwandan president’s plane was shot down at the start of what became one of the bloodiest genocides in recent memory.
On a recent trip to Rwanda with World Vision, I observed exactly how the Holy Spirit transformed a blood-soaked country into a thriving land of faith and forgiveness.
I spoke to Hutus and Tutsis—that is, perpetrators and victims—to hear their testimonies of salvation, repentance, grace and restoration.
Even our trip coordinator said he’d never heard so many people speak openly about their faith.
That’s because God is doing something big in Rwanda right now. Listen to the podcasts to hear for yourself.