Matt and Daisy Mazzoncini

Will These Christian Parents Be Reunited With Their Abducted Son Today?


From their pictures and videos, Matthew and Daisy Mazzoncini appear to be loving, doting parents. Photographs show them kissing their son on the cheek, cradling him in the hospital when he was sick and smiling ear to ear as they celebrated his birthday.

So how could a young couple living overseas in Kenya, motivated by their Christian faith and moved by compassion to care for a young, sickly Kenyan boy even possibly be mistaken as child traffickers?

Their lawyer, friends and supporters believe the answer is easy. They say that label is 100 percent false and based on a rogue government agency’s pursuit of money and power.

“If Daisy and Matt had done anything wrong, why were they not arrested?” the couple’s lawyer, James Singh, asked CBN News in a telephone interview ahead of a court proceeding that potentially will shed light on their plight.

The Mazzoncinis nightmare began the night of April 5, 2019, when about a dozen plainclothes officers raided their apartment and took Kiano, the 3-year-old Kenyan boy who legally has been in their care for the past two years. The Nairobi Children’s Court awarded them joint legal guardianship in April 2017.

By the time Mazzoncinis appear before a Kenyan judge on Thursday, it will have been 34 agonizing days since they last saw Kiano, who calls Daisy and Matt “Mom” and “Dad.”

More than a month after their separation, they have not been told where he is, who has custody, or the status of the little boy’s health. Kiano suffers from a complex medical history including epileptic seizures.

For his parents—who still have not been given a reason why the government took the child—the silence has been deafening, digging a deeper hole in their already broken hearts.

Click here to read the rest of this story from our content partners at CBN News.


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