‘Overcomer’ Actor Won’t Do Nudity Because Holy Spirit Convicted Him That It Was ‘Evil’


Christian Overcomer actor Cameron Arnett won’t do nudity in the industry because the Holy Spirit convicted him that is was “evil.”

Arnett (Mission Improbable) got candid about his career in Hollywood on the red carpet for the new faith-based movie.

As he added credits to his resume years ago, an agency told him that he would need to do partial nudity, but that news came after he landed a new role.

Christianheadlines.com zones in on Arnett’s comments:

“They brought me in, and I auditioned… and I got the role,” Arnett said. “… They were happy [and] the money was going to be really nice. For the first time, things are happening. Right before I signed, they said to me, ‘Oh by the way. We need you to do partial body nudity.’ So it kind of like put a halt on everything. I felt God tap me on the shoulder and say, ‘You know, it’s time to get out of the system.'”

He told the crew about his hesitancy, and they countered with an offer he thought would fix the problem: A body double would be used for the scene.

Arnett, though, felt God pointing him to a Bible verse: “Abstain from all appearance of evil” (1 Thessalonians 5:22).

Read the rest of this article at Movieguide®. Find out what God’s doing in Hollywood!

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