President Jimmy Carter Hospitalized After Fall Breaks His Pelvis


Former President Jimmy Carter was sent to the hospital Monday night after falling down in his Georgia home and fracturing his pelvis.

Carter also fell earlier this month, which gave him a black eye, according to NPR.

Carter was taken to the Phoebe Sumter Medical Center, reports CNN. The Carter Center says the former president is “in good spirits and is looking forward to recovering at home.”

Carter, who has been known for his evangelical faith, turned 95 on Oct. 1, making him the longest-living president in American history.

Several Christian leaders have publicly asked for prayer on Carter’s behalf. Gov. Mike Huckabee tweeted: “2 wks ago he was working in Nashville building houses for Habitat despite a fall needing 14 stitches. He deserves our prayers. Former President Jimmy Carter suffers pelvic fracture after falling in Georgia home.”

Franklin Graham also asked people to pray:

Post your prayers for Carter in the comments section below!

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