‘God of Miracles’: Pastor in COVID Coma Healed After Doctor Turns His Case Over to God


Did you hear the one about the doctor who had tried everything he could think of for his patient, but nothing seemed to work, so he relied on prayer? And after he put the problem in God’s hands, his patient’s health began to change.

In a video posted to YouTube by The Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, New York, on Wednesday, Pastor Benjamin Thomas of The Queens Church of God talks about his struggle with COVID-19 for over 100 days, including 54 days on a ventilator and six weeks in a coma.

Thomas said during the ordeal he lost 50 pounds and all of his muscle tone but thanked God that none of his organs were affected except his lungs.

“It was a very rough journey,” he said. “Still, I’m going home today. COVID-19 is real. I know some people do not want to wear masks and don’t want to keep social distancing. It is very important to take this thing seriously. You don’t want to go what I went through.”

Thomas’s physician Dr. Robin Varghese also appears in the video with Thomas and talks about the pastor’s health journey. Thomas had been admitted to a Long Island hospital in March, he was on a ventilator and his health was failing. His family contacted Dr. Varghese about transferring him to Mount Sinai for treatment at the end of March.

“We made a plan to bring him to Mount Sinai and we did that really at the end of March. Transporting him was a high-risk venture because he was on maximal oxygen support. He came over, thankfully, safe and sound to our intensive care unit,” the doctor said.

At the new hospital, the pastor still wasn’t doing very well.

Click here to read the rest of this story from our content partners at CBN News. {eoa}

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