Finding Supernatural Courage for Today’s Battles


How do we find the spiritual bravery we need to navigate today’s challenges? On this episode of theMake Life Matter Podcast, Angela Donadio talks with Mickey Robinson about his life story and his new book, Supernatural Courage.

As a 19-year-old professional skydiver, Mickey Robinson suffered through a plane crash that left him with catastrophic injuries. After a near-death experience, Robinson courageously overcame multiple terminal medical complications and recovered miraculously, as documented in his memoir, Falling Into Heaven. Since his second chance at life, he has been a public speaker nationally and internationally, sharing words of encouragement and hope.

When God calls us to do something, He doesn’t call us to what we can do. He calls us to what we can’t do without Him.” In spite of his harrowing experience, he said this about serving the Lord: “Being led of the Spirit is the biggest adventure. It’s the most perilous, but it’s the most rewarding.”

When asked what it means to walk in supernatural courage, Robinson shared the story of Joshua and Caleb:

“The Lord actually gave Joshua a commandment to be strong and courageous and do not be dismayed. Don’t be shaken up. So, when the Lord calls us, He empowers us. Now, we know that Joshua and Caleb were two of the 12 spies that went out into the land. Ten of them came back and said, ‘It’s just like the Lord said it would be, but you have to eat these things in front of giants—let’s go back.’

“Their negative report caused the hearts of the people to melt. But Joshua and Caleb were of a different spirit. They believed when they first heard it that they could do it. We have to cooperate with the Holy Spirit, believe God, believe God’s Word and be people of prayer. Spiritual bravery is a work of the Holy Spirit and our spirit joining together and going forth.”

To purchase Robinson’s resources and learn more, visit To hear the entire interview with Robinson, click here. {eoa}

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