Voters Reject Colorado Abortion Ban Proposition


Voters in Colorado defeated a ban on late-term abortions Tuesday.

According to the Denver Post, about 59.2%, rejected Proposition 115 with 83% of the vote counted, while 40.8%, supported it.

The measure would have banned most abortions in the state after 22 weeks—the only exemption being to protect the life of the mother in emergency situations.

Doctors who performed such abortions would have been penalized.

Colorado is one of several states without time limits on when a woman can get an abortion. Pro-lifers in the state had hoped that voters would change that narrative by voting in favor of Proposition 115.

Watch the video from CBN News to catch the rest of the story.

And read the full article from CBN News here.

Reprinted with permission from Copyright The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc., All rights reserved.


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