Black Rights Organization Commends Trump’s Support of All Black Lives


The pro-life, Black life activist group, Every Black Life Matters, has sent a letter to former President Donald J. Trump, thanking him for the work he and his administration did to fight for the well-being of all Black lives.

As what they call a preeminent justice organization, Every BLM stands for justice for “Black life (and all other life) from womb to natural death.”

Their mission statement reads, “If we are complicit with precipitating foundations of injustice when life actually begins, it is impossible to assert we are for ‘justice’ in any domain or instances throughout life.”

In this spirit, the organization calls attention to Trump’s efforts to “improve Black life in every phase of life.”

Co-founders Kevin McGary, president; Neil Mammen, executive vice president; and more than 300 individuals, many of whom offered their personal thanks in separate messages, signed the letter.

Indeed, Black parents were also strong supporters of Trump and his school choice initiatives allowing for those in low-income neighborhoods to encourage success in their school systems.

The letter also highlights the lengths in which the Trump administration went to lower the disproportionate rate of imprisoned Black men, for which Every BLM has high praise. Trump and his administration’s many efforts to fight not just for all unborn life, but for those the abortion industry disproportionately attacks, was found to be favorable among Black voters in the 2020 election. Over half of Black conservative male voters voted for Trump, with the democratic campaign losing Black votes in each of the last several elections.

The sentiments expressed in the letter echo the words of Operation Rescue when they awarded Trump with the Malachi Award and named him its 2020 Pro-Life Person of the Year. {eoa}


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