‘Suing the Devil’ Movie Takes Spiritual Battle to Courtroom

The Bible says when the thief is caught stealing he has to repay sevenfold. But have you ever wished you could just sue the devil?

That’s the idea behind Suing the Devil, a faith-based legal thriller that brings the spiritual battle to the courtroom. The film aims to offer insight into the danger of pride, the power of prayer, and the ultimate victory of faith in Christ over the forces of evil.

At a time when many are questioning the reality of hell and Satan—according to the latest Barna Group poll, only 50 percent of Christians believe in the devil—Suing the Devil aims its guns at Satan’s strategy. The film opens in select theaters nationwide on Aug. 26.

In the film, Luke O’Brien (Bart Bronson), a washed-up janitor turned night law student, sues Satan (Malcolm McDowell) for $8 trillion. Satan, who has 10 of the country’s best lawyers on his legal team, appears to defend himself on the last day before Luke files a defauly judgment. The whole world watches Legal TV to see who will win “the trial of the century.”

Same-Sex Marriage Facebook Comments Get Teacher Suspended

A former “Teacher of the Year” at Mount Dora High School has been suspended from the classroom for a comment he made on his own personal Facebook page.

In the Facebook comment, Jerry Buell expressed his disapproval of legalized same-sex marriage in New York. The Florida educator said homosexuality is a sin and that seeing two “grooms” kissing on a news story revolted him.

School officials received a complaint about Buell’s comment on Tuesday from a 2002 Mount Dora graduate, who was never even in the teacher’s class. The Lake County School District responded by taking away his teaching privileges and reassigning him to administrative duties.

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