Prayer Initiative Organized for 9/11 Anniversary

While preparing the kids for another school year, you may add joining in united prayer to your to-do list.

In the months leading up to the 10-year anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, Assemblies of God and the Awakening American Alliance are working to make their Cry Out America prayer initiative a top priority.

The partnering groups believe that just as America was “shaken to its foundation” 10 years ago, the country needs to be shook again—this time with a Christ Awakening.

With a recessed economy, a dissolving church attendance and lack of absolute truth, united prayer seems to be the preferred means to battle America’s critical spiritual condition.

John Maempa, director of the Office of Prayer and Spiritual Care says: “Desperate times call for desperate measures. We must seek God as never before for the moral and spiritual well-being of our nation. Pray that a powerful move of the Holy Spirit will transform our churches to become transformational in the culture.”

Five Thousand Israel Supporters Stormed Capitol Hill

Christians United for Israel attracted 5,000 people to its Sixth Annual Washington, D.C., summit, making the three-day event the group’s largest-ever.

The Summit included a series of educational sessions, speeches from prominent pro-Israel national and international figures, and a live satellite address from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The Summit’s Night to Honor Israel featured remarks from Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren, CUFI Founder and Chairman pastor John Hagee and a keynote address from national radio and television personality Glenn Beck.

Christian Radio Personality Charged In Ponzi Scheme

For all the talk about the 89-year-old Family Radio Network founder Harold Camping’s end of the world predictions, there’s another elderly radio show host making scandalous headlines these days.

Patrick Kiley, a 73-year-old conservative Christian talk show host, has been indicted in a Ponzi scheme that allegedly involved $194 million in investors’ money, according to Financial Advisor magazine. He and others have been charged with wire fraud, mail fraud and money laundering, among other offenses.

Shuttle Program Complete with Atlantis Landing

The space shuttle Atlantis made its final touch down in Florida in the pre-dawn darkness just before 6 a.m. Thursday, marking the end of an era in America’s space program.

“After serving the world for over 30 years, the space shuttle’s earned its place in history. And it’s come to a final stop,” commander Christopher Ferguson radioed after Atlantis landed on the runway.

“Job well done, America,” replied Mission Control.

Thirteen days ago the world watched as the shuttle shot into space for the last time.

University Makes History

In a historic first, seven leaders from the underground church in China received doctor of ministry seminary degrees recently from The King’s University in Los Angeles. Founder Jack Hayford said he believes the school “was raised up for this time.”

While a few degrees have been granted to Chinese students from seminaries in Singapore, this was the first time an American university has awarded doctorates in ministry to Chinese students. Faculty from The King’s University traveled back and forth to China and taught through translators.

The leaders are a part of what some call the “Third Church,” a name often used to describe the Chinese underground church in urban areas. Historically, the country’s underground church has been hidden mainly in the rural areas, away from the communist government’s power bases. The registered, state-approved Three-Self Church accounts for about half the estimated 140 million Chinese believers.

A Lutheran President?

She’s in. And she says she’s a bold choice. She’s Rep. Michele Bachmann, a Christian voice with a Lutheran background—and she could be the answer to Mormon candidate Mitt Romney. Charismatics have also taken note of her degree from the Coburn School of Law at Oral Roberts University.

Bachmann grew up a Democrat and worked for Jimmy Carter’s election in 1976, but switched parties after seeing Carter’s big budget plans.

“I remember [my grandmother’s] prophetic admonition to my father that the Great Society wouldn’t work because it wouldn’t be my father’s generation who paid for it, but rather my brother, David, and me,” she says. “Now that prediction has come true, and neither my Democrat father nor my Republican grandmother would have condoned this spending and debt.”

The Response Adds Trio of New Co-Chairs for Prayer Event

Despite persecution, three more respected Christian leaders have signed on as co-chairpersons of the Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s The Response: a call to prayer for a nation in crisis prayer event on Aug. 6.

Penny Nance, president and CEO of Concerned Women for America; Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council; and Frank Wright, president of the National Religious Broadcasters, have been appointed to serve. Previously announced co-chairpersons include Dr. James Dobson and his wife, Shirley, Rev. Sammy Rodriquez, Dr. Tony Evans and Dr. Richard Land.

Campus Crusade for Christ Makes Name Change

Campus Crusade for Christ in the U.S. is changing its name to Cru. The new name will be adopted in early 2012. The U.S. ministry hopes the new name will overcome existing barriers and perceptions inherent in the original name.

“From the beginning, Bill (Bright) was open to changing our name. He never felt it was set in stone. In fact, he actually considered changing the name 20 or 25 years ago,” says Vonette Bright, who co-founded Campus Crusade for Christ with her husband. “We want to remove any obstacle to people hearing about the most important person who ever lived—Jesus Christ.”

The new name and identity was unveiled to 5,000 staff Tuesday who were gathered at the ministry’s biennial U.S. staff conference in Ft. Collins, Colo. The news was met with enthusiasm and excitement.

Campaign Aims to Expose Darkness of Islam in Honor of 9/11

In the week preceding the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, Christians across the country will be strategically positioned outside high schools near mosques with known terrorism links. They will hand out literature that tells students “the truth about Islam and Muhammad and their violent, oppressive policies towards non-Muslims.”

“Like all patriotic Americans we cherish our liberties and our God-given rights and are committed to defending these principles,” says Steve Klein of Concerned Citizens for the First Amendment.

“Fourteen hundred violent years of history prove that Islam is incompatible with America. Muslims believe they are superior and arrogantly reject our Christian principles of equality, minority rights and equal justice,” Klein adds. “We are going to the schools to protect students—and especially our young women—from the oppression Islam threatens to impose.”

Pro-Life Group Launches Social Media Awareness Campaign

Numbers Don’t Lie. That’s the name of a new social media campaign the National Black Prolife Coalition just launched.

The campaign aims to expose what the coalition has defined as the number one killer of African-Americans: Planned Parenthood and urban abortion clinics.

“Pro-abortion groups cry racism and misogyny because they know they can’t speak to the facts,” says Ryan Bomberger of The Radiance Foundation, the organization that created the video series. “They’ve tried to remove our billboards and crush free speech instead of halting over 363,000 innocent lives needlessly crushed in the black community.”

NM School Suspends Students for Sharing Bible Verses

Relentless. That’s how some might describe the Roswell Independent School District. That’s because the New Mexico system appears to be on a mission to squash the Word of God on its campuses, according to a lawsuit Liberty Counsel filed.

The suit alleges the Roswell Independent School District retaliated against a Christian group called Relentless, punishing and suspending its members for buying and giving fresh Krispy Kreme doughnuts with Bible verses to each of their teachers.

Christian University Closes Doors, Lack of Funding

Teaching operations at the nation’s oldest Assemblies of God college have been halted, and hearts are heavy.

Bethany University, founded in 1919, will be closing its doors this fall. The closure comes after a deal fell through between private investors seeking to purchase the university and the owner, the Assemblies of God Northern California and Nevada District.

 The announcement was made June 13. As the institution begins its shut down, Rev. James Braddy, chairman of Bethany’s board of trustees, calls for prayer. “This will not be a quick or easy task. Your prayers are desperately needed as we face this very difficult time of transition.”
