12 Prophetic Words to Guide Christians Forward


In the wake of Donald Trump’s landslide election victory, many Christians are witnessing a resurgence of interest in the prophetic. Believers are looking to the Word of God, spiritual leaders and prophets to discern God’s direction for the future.

Tomi Arayomi, known for his bold and direct approach to prophecy, recently shared 12 prophetic insights in a livestream for the days, months and years ahead.

1. Shocking Revelations. Expect a year filled with shocking revelations, particularly regarding the 2020 elections and January 6th events. Arayomi says indictments and resignations will take place as hidden truths come to light.

“The Lord is literally going to go back, and He’s going to right the wrongs, and He’s going to uncover,” says Arayomi.

2. Global Political Tensions. There will be efforts to slow down potential wars, especially concerning China and Taiwan, with God’s hand halting certain aggressive plans.

“You’re going to see where plans were set up to go against Taiwan,” says Arayomi. “Had Kamala won, 2025 would have been a certain year for an invasion.”

3. Five-Year Window for Influence. Arayomi believes God will grant a five-year period for believers to build influence and gain power, while encouraging Christians to step into political and leadership roles at all levels.

“Not all wealthy people are honorable, and not all honorable people are wealthy,” Arayomi shares. “God
is looking for a hybrid of honor and wealth to come together, that the Lord says you might have influence.”

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4. Transition from Church to Ecclesia. The church is being urged to shift from religious spaces to governance roles, including engaging in politics if necessary, to bring godly influence into public institutions.

“The Lord says, ‘I desire a Melchizedek anointing that will operate like a king and a priest at the the same time,'” reveals Arayomi. “Many of you are going to have to take your position in those other areas and spheres and be willing to look like a fool for the sake of Christ.”

5. Judicial Shifts. Anticipate a conservative judiciary shift with potential resignations from justices. Opponents may attempt to pack the courts, but these efforts will not succeed.

“I saw more justices getting ready to resign. I saw two initially, then I saw a third one,” Arayomi says. “The Lord says ‘I am going to offset the courts so even after Trump has left,’ the Lord says, ‘I am going to shift the nation so dramatically’ that the Spirit of God says ‘it’s going to put righteousness back in the justice houses.'”

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6. Manifestation of God’s Glory. God’s glory will be revealed, to the benefit of the righteous but exposing unrepentant believers who live in darkness.

“Glory is great as long as you’re living in the light, but if you’re living in the darkness and you’re a Christian and you’re a believer and you don’t repent, the very light that was meant to work for you will end up being the very light that exposes you,” warns Arayomi.

7. Economic Revival and Prayer. Economic restoration, similar to El Salvador’s transformation, will require national prayer and fasting for divine breakthrough.

“An economy that cannot be fixed without prayer or fasting like El Salvador,” Arayomi prophesies. “I will challenge the church and the president to a national day of prayer and fasting, and I believe that God is going to release that in such a phenomenal new and enlarging way.”

8. Revival Among Hispanic and African-American Communities. A revival movement will be poured out over Hispanic and African-American communities, breaking traditional political and religious affiliations to bring about kingdom-focused change.

“The Lord says ‘watch as I release a new Awakening in several old wine skins that will even cause the wine skins to burst’ as many depart from old religious affiliations to step into New Kingdom alliances,” says Arayomi.

9. Government Shutdowns and New Battle Lines. Expect government shutdowns and political unrest. Prayer is the weapon needed to counteract attempts to use government shutdowns as leverage for immoral, anti-God agendas.

“I want us to pray two things: I don’t think the assassination attempts are over. Number two: I want us to pray that the government is not used as a blackmail tool and a bargaining tool to allow wickedness to further come into the nation,” requests Arayomi.

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10. Audit of Global Organizations. NATO and the United Nations will face increased scrutiny, with exposure of their corruption and a slowed progress toward globalized agendas.

“The Lord says ‘I will expose the corruption.’ The Lord says ‘I will even slow down their plans for a globalized 2030 agenda.’ It will not stop it, but the Lord says it will certainly slow it down number,” Arayomi reveals.

11. Potential of New Pandemic. Another pandemic threat could emerge by 2030, with the Lord revealing the deception behind it if people pray.

“I saw it like a literal plant and assignment of the enemy to force people into a new global
extreme,” says Arayomi. “And the spirit of God says ‘if My people will pray, I will expose it.”

12. Renewal of the Abraham Accords. Saudi Arabia’s Mohammed bin Salman will play a central role in Middle Eastern peace efforts, with Saudi Arabia potentially becoming more prominent in global diplomacy.

“I saw a little bit of trouble rising up predominantly from Turkey trying to stir up trouble. I saw the leaders of Iran and Iraq dissatisfied with some of the things that were going [on] and refusing to come to sit at the table,” shares Arayomi. “I saw J.D. Vance, part of his job, I saw him flying into that area to settle some matters that needed to be settled.”

Arayomi’s prophetic words showcase the critical role of believers in shaping the future. These 12 prophetic messages serve as a rallying cry for Christians to enter deeper into prayer, engage in spiritual warfare and fulfill the Great Commission. As the Ecclesia rises to answer God’s call, let these words inspire action and intercession in the days ahead.

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James Lasher is staff writer for Charisma Media.


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