Are People Involved in the Occult More Likely to Experience Alien Encounters?


Are aliens real? Do UFOs really exist?

These questions, once relegated to the confines of conspiratorial enterprises, are now legitimately being pondered among some scientists, academics—and even in the halls of Congress.

It’s an issue Dr. Hugh Ross, an astrophysicist and apologist, has long researched and explored.

“I became a UFO expert, but not on purpose,” he recently told “Billy Hallowell’s Playing With Fire.” “I was an amateur astronomer before I became a professional astronomer.”

Ross eventually found himself handling UFO reports at universities, exploring claims people made about aliens and unidentified phenomena. And he came to some fascinating conclusions.

“About 99% of what people would report to me as UFOs, I could explain as natural phenomena, a hoax or secret government military activity,” Ross said. “But there’s a 1% residual that falls in a different category, and these would be UFO phenomena.”

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He said these reports violated physics, yet there was purportedly evidence indicating they were “real phenomena.” Ross said many scientists won’t look seriously at these claims, as they’re not open to the possibility of “non-physical reality.”

“But, as a Christian, as a believer in the inerrancy of the Bible, I do believe in the existence of non-physical reality,” she said. “Because the Bible tells us God created two different species of intelligent life—one that’s constrained by the physics of the universe, and one that is not.”

CBN UFOWith humans in the material realm and angels in the spiritual, Ross said new possibilities emerge when understanding claims of alien life and UFOs.

Rather than literal space creatures, Ross believes alien encounters are actually spiritual manifestations.

Citing details from claims of space crashes, landings, and supposed extraterrestrial encounters, the scientist said there’s never any debris and artifacts left behind—a fact he finds notable.

In her book Demons Among Us, Michele Erdmann says the supernatural is real.

For the original article, visit our content partners at Faithwire.com. {eoa}

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Reprinted with permission from cbn.com. Copyright © 2023 The Christian Broadcasting Network Inc. All rights reserved.


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