Are You Unusually Exhausted? Here’s What You Need to Know


If you’ve been feeling unusually exhausted, there may be a spiritual reason behind it.

In a recent prophetic warning, Pastor Mike Signorelli discussed how an increase of individuals experiencing unusual exhaustion just may be part of something happening in the spiritual realm.

“You’ve been always had to take care of yourself. You’ve been a fighter and so you’ve been fighting for so many seasons that now all of a sudden, you’re like, ‘who fights for me?’” Signorelli continues. “The Bible says ‘those that wait upon the Lord, He will renew their strength. They will mount up with wings as eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.’”

Signorelli says that a key for battling with exhaustion is to have someone you can lean on. Just as Moses had someone to lift up his hands during battle, Signorelli says having someone to partner with is key to dealing with spiritual exhaustion.

“You need an Aaron on one side. You need another person on the other side lifting your hands up,” Signorelli says.

While we can easily become exhausted because we don’t lean on God or others in the way we are supposed to, Signorelli says spiritual exhaustion can also come from the attacks of the enemy when he doesn’t want you to step into the next thing that God has planned for your upcoming season.

“What you are getting ready to do in this next season is what the devil is so afraid of that he’s attacked you with exhaustion. He’s attacked you with tiredness,” Signorelli says.

“What you are getting ready to create is going to create a new future,” Signorelli continues. “You’ve got books inside of you, some of you’ve got videos inside of you, some of you’ve got ministries inside of you, you’ve got songs inside of you.”

One of the ways Signorelli says you can know if something is a spiritual attack is if you are able to do some things like scrolling on your phone late at night, but become tired if you try praying or reading Scripture.

“Spiritual warfare is affecting people on a mental level, so it’s manifesting itself as confusion, it’s doubt fear, panic, anxiety,” says Signorelli.

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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