Mike Signorelli

Mike Signorelli’s 2024 Prophetic Word: ‘We are in a Birthing Season’


In a podcast with other pastoral members of his V1 Church in New York, Pastor Mike Signorelli shared what season he believes the Lord is placing many in 2024.

One of the first things Signorelli discussed in the podcast was how the previous season of 2023 was a time when false prophets could look as though they too were just as accurate as true prophets. However, in this new season, it is the prophets who are accurate and contrite before the Lord that will make the difference because we are in a season where God is about to birth new things.

“We are in a birthing season,” Signorelli says. “And when a woman is travailing and they’re getting ready to push that baby out, there is going to be tears, there’s going to be blood and there’s going to be water.”

Part of what is being birthed in this new year, Signorelli says, is a desire for God’s face and His righteousness.

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“The Lord told me that [in] 2024 you are going to see a wave of hunger and thirst for righteousness and holiness over the body of Christ,” Signorelli says.

This year will be a time not only of seeing God’s holiness, but of seeing shame be put to death because God will vindicate those who stood their ground and followed Him because they loved Him and desired to seek after Him with their whole hearts.

“2024 is going to be the year that the Lord proves that you were right,” Signorelli says. “You are right because you are righteous; you are right because you sided with the Lord. You are right because you chose the right team.”

This means that not only will this year be a time of restoration, but it will also be one where God is setting up tables for His children, for His plans and purposes to be made clear, and through that process, the character and the nature of the Lord will become much deeper and more meaningful to those who care and love Him.

“I believe that 2024 is the pivot, it’s the reversal, it’s the turnaround, it’s the flip, there’s something about that where the things that were not visible will become visible,” Signorelli says. “You’re about to transition from waiting for your purpose to waiting for Him. Waiting for your destiny; you would say, ‘Lord, I wait for You now. I wait for nothing else. I wait for You. I only wait for You.’ And then the Lord says, ‘You’ve learned the ways of your family, but now you will learn My ways’…2024 is going to be a kingdom education,” Signorelli says.

Part of this prophecy that Signorelli and the other V1 Church leaders discussed speaks specifically to the women within the body of Christ. This year will be a year that they learn not just what it means to be valued because of the things they do, but rather it will be a time of renewal as they see themselves as valued simply because they are daughters of Christ. Even more, Signorelli and the V1 Church leaders described how this year would also be a time for the gospel to reach “illegal” places like China, North Korea and in Muslim nations.

“The Lord told me that it’s going to go into illegal regions and He says, ‘it will be interpreted and we will get testimonies in communist nations,'” Signorelli says. “I see North Korea, I see China, I see Muslim nations.”

As we enter into this new season, one thing is clear: no matter what good or bad circumstances we encounter in 2024, if we seek after the face of God and His righteousness, we will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. {eoa}

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Abby Trivett is a marketing copywriter and coordinator for Charisma Media.


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