Beware! Demonic Music Video Casting Spell on Viewers
What kind of spiritual warfare is our world encountering right now?
As we continue to see demonic, occultic themes embraced throughout our culture today, there’s no question that Satan is trying to make himself known. However, it is clear that the enemy is taking hold of the next generation through music.
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Take for example singer Cazzu’s new song, “Dolce,” which is supposed to be about revenge and heartbreak. However, Cazzu makes it clear that she isn’t interested in just mending her heart after a relationship failed. In the video, Cazzu portrays herself in a devilish costume surrounded by angels. From the beginning, the darkness overtaking Cazzu shows that she is manifesting a demon, all while staring down a man painted in red with his hands tied behind his back to represent the devil himself.
The video’s portrayal of this darkness is a reminder that the enemy wants to flood our eyes and ears with things far from true, good and beautiful. Second Corinthians 11:14 is an appeal we must remember that “Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light,” reminding us that not everything appealing to the senses is spiritually harmless. In this instance, the Satanic tale isn’t even hiding, but rather is open in plain view.
As believers, we must remain spiritually discerning, recognizing when media glorifies demonic themes under the guise of creativity. The presence of a red devil figure, possibly symbolizing betrayal and heartbreak, echoes the enemy’s tactic of using pain to lead people away from God’s truth.
Rather than being drawn into entertainment that glorifies the enemy’s kingdom, we must pray for discernment, covering the next generation in intercession, pleading the blood of Christ upon them. The enemy seeks to capture hearts through culture, but Jesus has already won the victory. It is our responsibility to walk in that truth, proclaiming His light in a world that desperately needs it.
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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.