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Communicating with the Dead? Half of U.S. Adults Say They’ve Interacted with a Deceased Loved One


In a new Pew Research Survey, 53% of Americans were found to have interacted with a deceased family member either through dreams or another means of communication. This includes 45% of Protestants.

The study also elaborated which people were more likely to have had this kind of experience based off of denominational affiliation. For example, “six in 10 members of the historically Black Protestant tradition say they’ve been visited by a dead relative in a dream.”

What’s interesting about these numbers is that “relative few atheist (15%) or agnostic (25%) adults report any of these experiences over the last 12 months.” In fact, it is those with a mid-level commitment to faith who are experiencing the most interactions with what they believe to be a deceased family member.

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These shocking numbers come as Christians are targeted more and more to entertain the idea of communicating with the dead. Recently, there was a “Christian” Ouija board that claimed to help people communicate with Christ directly. The game was distributed on Amazon and claimed that the “Holy Spirit Board can answer all of life’s most important questions, straight from the man himself!”

There was also an AI-generated Ouija board to complete the same kind of séance activities, only digitally.

While some may not see the danger in intentionally or unintentionally trying to communicate with the dead, it is unlikely that this type of supernatural encounter has little to do with their family members and has more to do with other spiritual forces at work.

Remember, in 1 Samuel 28, King Saul’s desperate decision to consult a medium and contact the deceased prophet Samuel left him devastated. Not only did Samuel ask, “Why have you roused me to bring me up?” (1 Sam. 28:15) but he also told Saul the direst words he would ever hear:

“The LORD has torn the kingdom from your hand and has given it to your neighbor, David. As you did not obey the voice of the LORD and did not carry out His fierce wrath against Amalek, therefore the LORD has done this thing to you this day.” (1 Sam. 28:17-18).

It is not our job to stir up those that have already passed, but to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus at all times. Jesus told His followers to “let the dead bury their dead,” (Matt. 8:22). As long as we are still alive, it is our purpose to follow Him and to share the Good News of the gospel. {eoa}

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Abby Trivett is a marketing copywriter and coordinator for Charisma Media.


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