Matt Damon stars in 'Elysium.'

‘Elysium’: That Time Liberal Hollywood Made a Racist Movie


Unintentional humor is always the best.

Beyond the fact that it’s full of several glaring self-contradictions, liberal Hollywood’s latest ham-fisted attempt at propaganda, Elysium, could be the most racist film since the infamous Birth of a Nation.  

The movie is meant to be a sympathetic allegory for amnesty for illegals and Obamacare. The rich (mostly white) people live on an outer space Valhalla, while the poor (mainly minorities) are forced to remain on Planet Earth.

Apparently the filmmakers don’t believe the black and Latino people left behind on Earth would be capable of actually building a civilized society if all the rich and (mostly) white people left. What about all those historically significant civilizations we learned about on our politically correct college campuses?

Our elitist college professors—who are mostly white and well-off, by the way—taught us these civilizations were reportedly heaven on earth until the white man showed up to pollute them with his Christo-fascist imperialism. If that interpretation of history is correct, then wouldn’t these people actually be better off if all those rich and (mostly) white people left the planet?

Matt Damon is the only main character in the movie that is white and still left on Earth. Meanwhile, all the earthly minority characters surrounding Damon—save one—are portrayed as slothful and/or violent criminals. There are even scenes involving minority characters mocking the white Damon as he shuffles off to his low-level factory job, and they attempt to cajole Damon into quitting his job and joining them in their criminal activity instead.

Stereotype much?

According to Elysium, minorities are not only too savage to build a civilized society without all the rich and (mostly) white folks there to show the way, but they can’t organize resistance to the movie’s misguided definition of tyranny on their own, either. Rather, it’s the white Damon that has to act selflessly and sacrificially to spur them into action. Without Damon, the minorities are mired in widespread immorality, drug use, corruption and gang activity.

The movie never tells us why its minorities on Earth can’t succeed without rich and (mostly) white people around. The movie never tells us why its minorities seemingly have the ingenuity to steal from one another as well as the rich and (mostly) white people on Elysium but aren’t willing to use their ingenuity to make Earth a better place for those who remain.

Meanwhile, the rich and (mostly) white people on Elysium have built a civilization that benefits everyone there. How come they’re able to rise above their base nature and the minorities on Earth are not? Are minorities not capable of doing the same, or can they only do it when white folks are there to show them how it’s done?

At best, such a notion is offensively patronizing. At worst, it’s a racist caricature.

So it turns out that while attempting to make the argument for a more progressive society, Elysium actually makes a movie that puts forth several offensive mythologies white supremacists would agree with.

This is what happens when those who claim they’re open-minded and tolerant surround themselves with only the like-minded. Nobody bothers to stand up and ask a critical-thinking question about what they’re really trying to say here.

This is what happens when your main star claims to be a liberal champion of public schools. Then, after it’s revealed he’s sending his children to an exclusive private school, he says that’s because the kind of education he wants his children to have “no longer exists” in the crummy schools he thinks the rest of our children should be subjected to.

Then again, Damon’s latest movie says I should expect such hypocritical elitism from rich white folks like Damon. He seemed like a natural in his role. Now we know why.


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