Emma Stark Warns: The Three Dangers of Secularism


In a message on resisting evil, Emma Stark discussed how the spirit of secularism has crept its way into the church and is steering it away from the core of the gospel.

Stark says the modern-day church uses God as a self-help tool to make our lives, marriages and families better for our own sake. It is no longer about Him at all, but rather, it’s about ourselves.

“The first issue, number one, is that in a secular church…we are instinctively suspicious of authority,” Stark says. “Secularism says find your identity in yourself.”

Another problem that secularism brings is it kills the atmosphere of worship. Stark says it doesn’t matter which nation she’s been to around the globe, a lack of intimate worship is a killer to the church.

“You can only really worship fully and extravagantly if you can say, ‘I’m created,’” Stark says. “The response of true worship then…is I come with gratitude and I pour myself out.”

The last issue that secularism brings to the church is the problem of focusing on wealth instead of on Christ. Wealth is no longer about giving to care selflessly for others the way Christ did for us. Instead, it’s become all about our own wants and desires.

“It [the spirit of secularism] forgets that Jesus gives compassion to apply your riches. It forgets that Jesus gives you the power to get wealth. It forgets that wealth is from Christ, to Him and for Him and for His kingdom. It misses the centrality of Jesus and it starts to give us a wealth entitlement problem,” Stark says.

“It’s a lack of understanding how the wisdom of the Bible is applied to living today,” Stark says. “Meaning defined by God will keep you all your days.”

This warning against secularism should be a wake-up call for all of us in the church today. We must be reminded that He is the cornerstone on which our lives can be built. In Him we lack no good thing. Through Him we receive the best gifts that will lead us to a life of flourishing.

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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