Famous Singer Shares the Secret to His 25-Year Marriage


Harry Connick Jr. recently shared the secret to his 25-year marriage to Jill Goodacre.

The singer-songwriter and actor told US Weekly, “I married my best friend and I married a woman who I look up to infinitely.”

He continued, “We have the same values, so it’s easy for us to try and impart those on our children.”

During an interview with Fox News in 2018, Connick said this about his relationship:

“For me, it’s all about my maintaining interest in her. I mean, she’s fascinating to me, she’s still mysterious to me, I’m still very interested in her and everything that sort of makes her tick, and I think it’s mutual.

“We never really think of it in terms of keeping the spark going. I love being around her, I respect her infinitely, and I admire her so much. She’s a hero of mine. We just take it day to day, and you know, count our blessings really.

“In my experience, love and respect are paramount, and that’s what my relationship with Jill is predicated upon, and that’s what we try to teach our girls. I think respect in general and love are two things that we could use a lot more of.”

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