How God Surprised This Pastor With a Life-Changing Assignment


A booklet designed to share the gospel and the power of the Holy Spirit. Simple enough, right?

But every big idea begins as a small spark. And Pastor Thomas McDaniels of the Lifebridge Christian Center in Longview, Texas, says his small spark became a big idea that is now reaching countless people with the Good News of Christ.

McDaniels tells host Marti Pieper on a recent episode of the Charisma Connection podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network that his church had always included a book “for what we call our ‘yes pack,’ for people who said yes to Jesus” when suddenly that book went out of print.

After trying unsuccessfully to find a replacement, “I just heard the Lord say, ‘Write one,'” McDaniels recalls.

“I didn’t really think I’d write my own book for my own church,” he says, but he wanted to obey the Lord. And God is using “Now What?”—the booklet he produced in just a few days—to lead many people to Christ as they read it, even if no one else is around.

McDaniels’ first draft, however, had one problem, which his wife quickly pointed out. “She handed it back to me in disgust and said, ‘Where’s the Holy Spirit?'” McDaniels says.

That led to his next draft, in which baptism of the Spirit takes its proper place alongside other essentials of the faith. After posting “Now What?” on his website and offering it on Amazon, he’s had thousands of requests for the booklet he calls “a modern-day tract.”

“Now What?” is fully customizable, a feature that has proven especially popular, McDaniels says. “We have Christian businessmen who are saying, ‘I want to pass that booklet out for my business. Can I put my picture, my logo, my company on the back?'”

Of the whole experience with the booklet, he says, “It’s been ordained by God. And it is a tool that will reach a person, even if they’re just curious about God, or even if they know God. It’s a tool that will take them to their next step in who God wants them to be.”

To hear much more about McDaniels’ “Now What?” evangelism and discipleship booklet, listen to the entire Charisma Connection episode here, and be sure to check out for additional information. {eoa}

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