Is the Next Great Awakening About to Take Place?


Since the tragic events of 9/11, America has felt like it was in a dream state.

There have been meaningful movements of God, but Christians have been on the losing side of the culture war for many years.

The warnings were there when the government proclaimed marriage included same-sex couples, even as many who viewed themselves as Christians accepted this as well.

Next, the attack on the identity of what is male and female, began. The enemy took the very essence of who we are as humans, created in God’s image, male and female. The idea that gender was fluid and you could change what you were at a whim took many by surprise. While some voices had tried to warn the masses, it was not enough to prepare Christian communities for what happened next.

Then the children were targeted. Kindergarteners were being taught that being queer was the norm. This indoctrination is evident in the percentage of Gen Z’ers who identify as LGBTQ compared to previous generations.

Gallop did a poll in 2021 that listed each generation and what proportion self-identified as LGBTQ, and the results show the plan to teach children that God’s binary order for nature is wrong has worked:

  • Gen Z: 20.8%
  • Millennials: 10.5%
  • Generation X: 4.2%
  • Baby Boomers: 2.6%
  • The Greatest Generation: .8%

These numbers are only expected to go up in the coming years.

There has been push-back from the Christian community, and political figures have risen to challenge this indoctrination from weaponized unions, school boards and the medical community who push to have this and CRT material distributed to students.

Parents are waking up to this influencing of their children, and change appears to be in the air.

On Tuesday, Aug. 16, The Kettle Moraine School Board voted unanimously to maintain a policy that prohibits teachers and staff from displaying gay pride flags and any other material that could be construed as political.

This is not the time for Christians to gloat and revel in a victory however, it is time to move forward with this momentum. It is time to shut down the emerging talks of legalizing the actions of “minor attracted persons,” which is to say pedophiles, from entering our courts.

It is time to prepare our hearts and repent before the Lord for our own sins. It is easy to point to the sins of others, but we must not allow pride and hubris to enter into our own hearts. We must be filled with the fruit of the Spirit during this time, because these people pushing false agendas are not our enemies, the spirits and principalities behind them are.

This must be a time for prayer, repentance and fasting on a national level to see the movement of God that will help renew and heal this broken country.

This is a battle that we cannot win, but God can. Jesus is the mender of broken lives, hearts and minds. He can heal not just the land but the people in it, and Christians are called to be His representatives on earth.

As school boards, churches, politicians, media outlets and average citizens are waking up to what is happening on the social, political, ideological and economic level, it is time for the most important awakening to happen—that is spiritually.

When there is a spiritually dry and barren populace, who have a yearning for God in their lives even if they don’t realize that is what they are missing, the time is right for Christians to hit their knees in prayer, praise and repentance to usher in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. {eoa}

James Lasher is a Copy Editor for Charisma Media.


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