Jack Hayford Protégé Compels Believers to ‘Come Out From Among Them’


In 2021, evangelist Todd Coconato had an angelic visitation that rocked him to his core.

The heavenly messenger told him two things: “Come out from among them,” and, “Be consecrated.” For the next year, Coconato sought God to understand the message for himself and the body of Christ.

After intense Bible study and poignant conversation with kingdom leaders like Pastor Jack Hayford, who became a good friend, Coconato began to realize that many things he continued to do in his life were indeed not consecrated to the Lord.

Second Corinthians 6:17, which reads, “Therefore, ‘come out from among them and be separate,’ says the Lord. ‘Do not touch what is unclean and I will receive you,'” became a staple Scripture for him and he began to see a great transformation in his life.

It’s what led to the writing of his book, “Come Out From Among Them” (Charisma House), which released on July 4.

“There is a period when you’re coming out of a world of sin and darkness,” Coconato told Charisma News’ John Matarazzo in a recent interview. “Think about it like this. If somebody’s coming out of a life of alcohol or drug abuse or addiction, or even the gay lifestyle, there’s a major shift that’s taking place in your life.

“And sometimes we’re in Christ for a long time or if we’ve grown up in the church and we don’t really think about that. We’re just we’re living in the Christian world, and so that’s just normal to us. But we maybe forget we never came from a world that’s even harder to understand. But if you did come from the world and it was like 20 or 30 years ago, sometimes we forget how that felt. I have seen a lot of that.

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“Right now, I believe there is an undercurrent, a revival, that’s happening right now in our nation and I believe it’s going to accelerate as the hour gets later. … There is this move of God right now. There’s going to be misfits and prodigals, people with tattoos and earrings and people that you wouldn’t normally expect to be in a church. I can relate to that and I thank God there was one man—Pastor Jack Hayford—who took interest in me and started discipling and mentoring me. He really took me under his wing and I thank God for him because I don’t know if I’d be here today if he hadn’t done that.”

Hayford, who influenced millions with his gospel message and his teaching, passed away on January 8.

Todd Coconato bookAfter meetings with Hayford and others, Coconato began to “put off the old man” within him and surrendered completely to the Lord. He’s hoping that his book will help others do exactly the same, considering the chaos and confusion that surrounds many members of the church, including today’s youth.

“We find ourselves in a very interesting time. I mean, we’re at a crossroads,” Coconato said. “There’s a lot of change, and I’ve heard people say everything that can be shaken will be shaken. We’re seeing a lot of shaking right now. It’s unbelievable the warfare or those that are standing for righteousness, that are standing for the entirety of the Word of God.

“There is a rising remnant, and I always say wherever there’s a remnant, it means God is not done moving and I believe there is still hope for America. The main thing this is we’ve got to get back to making disciples and to get back to preaching the Word. We’ve got to be the church of Philadelphia.”

Click here for more of this compelling interview with Todd Coconato. {eoa}

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Shawn A. Akers is the online editor at Charisma Media.


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