Jonathan Cahn Reveals Force Behind the Protest Phenomenon


Is there a dark, spiritual force behind the pro-Hamas protests we’ve been seeing?

In his latest prophetic message, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn unveils the dark forces propelling the anti-Israel protests across college campuses today.

“In Columbia University, protestors have announced ‘Zionists have entered the camp. We don’t want no Zionists here,'” Cahn said.

Cahn further explains how the spiritual significance of the protests relate to Revelation 16:13-14 which reads:

Then I saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are spirits of demons, performing signs, who go out to the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.

“Who is the dragon? The enemy. Who is the beast? The Antichrist. The spirits that come out of them go out to the leaders of the earth. They cause the world to come to Armageddon to come against the tiny nation of Israel,” Cahn says.  

Cahn says these are demonic spirits that want to take down Israel and stop the coming of the Messiah. He says because America is Israel’s closest ally, it is significant to see the widespread pro-Hamas, anti-Israel agenda unfolding in our nation. As Scripture says that all nations will come against Israel, Cahn believes America is fulfilling that prophetic, end times truth.

Just as antisemitism was spread on college campuses before World War II, there was an influential “Grand Mufti” of Jerusalem who worked alongside to make it his mission to see the end of the Jewish people.

“Through the Mufti, the demonic antisemitism of Nazism merged with Arab nationalism and radical Islamic theology,” Cahn says. “He has been called ‘the father of Palestinian nationalism.’ He was central in birthing the Palestinian movement against Israel.”

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