Jonathan Cahn: The Mystery of Ezekiel’s Prophecy


Jonathan Cahn’s New Book Unlocks Ancient Secrets
Pointing to the World’s Next Great Prophetic Event

Could there be ancient writings that warn us about the rise of wars, evils and calamities unfolding in our world today?

Are current events actually moving us toward the fulfillment of those warnings?

And is there one specific force and agent behind it all?

These riveting questions and more are asked and answered in Jonathan Cahn’s latest blockbuster bestseller, “The Dragon’s Prophecy: Israel, the Dark Resurrection, and the End of Days,” just released by Charisma Media. It’s available everywhere books are sold.

Some Tremendous News & Thanks From Jonathan Cahn

Cahn opens up an ancient Bible prophecy that unveils the mysteries of recent events that have rocked our world—and might even foretell the next monumental prophetic event.

“What the prophet foretold is actually coming true before our very eyes,” he says. “We are crossing major prophetic lines in this very hour.”

Ezekiel’s Raiders

In “The Dragon’s Prophecy,” Cahn opens up a stunning mystery from the book of Ezekiel. It’s a unique prophecy that has evoked much attention and controversy among students of the end times, and many believe it foretells the next major prophetic event in modern times.

“Ezekiel’s prophecy in chapters 38 and 39 says that in the latter days, after Israel returns to the land, an invasion comes,” says Cahn. “October 7, 2023 was the first mass invasion of Israel in half a century. If the nations cited in Ezekiel’s prophecy are to launch a future mass invasion of Israel, is it possible that they could be, in some way, connected to the invasion of October? And thus is it possible that the October invasion was a precursor to the fulfillment of Ezekiel’s prophecy?”

Get your copy today of Jonathan Cahn’s latest best-selling book, The Dragon’s Prophecy, ay

In the prophecy, Ezekiel actually identifies the names of the nations involved in the invasion: Kush, Phut, Gog and others in Asia Minor, plus Paras. Cahn unveils the present-day names of these ancient nations, shedding light on their profound impact on today’s global stage.

“Biblical Kush is the land of Sudan,” he says, “and it was Sudan that gave Hamas the route to smuggle weapons into Gaza. Phut is modern day Libya, which served as one of the most important suppliers of weapons to Hamas. It was Libya that made possible the thousands of rockets that rained down on Israel from Gaza on October 7.”

The nations of  Gog, Magog, Meshekh, and Tubal mentioned in the prophecy inhabited the land of Anatolia, also known as Asia Minor. “What nation in the modern world corresponds with Asia Minor?” asks Cahn. “It can only be Turkey. And on October 7, Turkey was critical in providing the funds Hamas needed to arm itself and invade Israel.”

Paras in Arabic was known as Faris. In Latin it became Persia, the name by which the West would long identify it. It played a key role in ancient Jewish history and a very different one in modern times, according to Cahn. He says there can be no question as to its identity today. “In modern times, Paras is Iran. And we know that Iran had a part in the October 7 invasion, more so than any other nation. Their part in sponsoring and arming Hamas cannot be overstated. In many ways it was the shadow power behind it all.”

Untranslating the Mystery

Cahn then makes a startling revelation by thrusting the ancient prophecy into the stark reality of our modern era.

“What happens if we take today’s news reports and headlines and replace their modern names with their ancient names?” he asks. “This is what happens: Gog-backed groups in Phut smuggling arms to Hamas…Yisrael repeatedly accused Paras, Persia, of transshipping weapons to Hamas via Kush…Paras and Hezbollah have smuggled weapons to Hamas overland through Sinai via Kush…militias of Phut are funded by Paras, Persia…and Gog, Meshekh, and Tubal are helping armed Filastin group Hamas circumvent Yisrael’s blockade of Philistia.”

Amazingly, the words of today’s news reports morph into the likeness of the ancient prophecy of Ezekiel 38 and 39.


Cahn says that when Ezekiel’s prophecy was first written, the majority of the people and nations it named were not at war with Israel and had little to do with it. “For ages, the prophecy puzzled the Bible commentators who studied it,” he says. “Yet two and a half thousand years later, against all odds, all of the people or nations spoken of in the prophecy have become enemies of the Jewish state.”

In other words, the same nations prophesied of in Ezekiel to wage war against a resurrected Israel have, through their proxies, waged war against it.

But that’s not all, Cahn says. “The prophecy’s fulfillment is still to come. The road that leads there may be filled with turns, reversals, and departures. And the timing is in God’s hands. But on Oct. 7, 2023, for the first time ever, the nations cited in Ezekiel’s prophecy—those nations that were to be involved in a future mass invasion of Israel—were, indeed, all involved in a mass invasion of Israel.

“The signs of October 7, would thus indicate we are closer to the day of the prophecy’s fulfillment than we might have imagined.”

The Shadow Powers

In one of the most chilling revelations of “The Dragon’s Prophecy,” Cahn ominously unveils that even darker forces lurk behind the key players, whispering of a sinister agenda yet to unfold.

“How did Hamas manage to obtain weapons despite a blockade set up to prevent that very thing from happening?” he asks. “It happened because of the shadow powers that funded and armed the terrorist organization for the express purpose of waging war against Israel.”

He notes that, of all the nations and powers that could have played that role, those that did just happened to be the same as foretold in Ezekiel’s ancient prophecy.

“Without them Hamas could never have launched its invasion,” he says. “So October 7, was made possible by the players specifically cited in Ezekiel 38 and 39, two and a half thousand years earlier—Gog, Magog, Meshekh, Tubal, Gomer, Togarmah, Kush, Phut and Persia.”

The Storm

The Bible says that the invasion of Israel would come upon the land as a storm, suddenly, massively and ferociously. Ezekiel 38:9 says, “You will ascend, coming like a storm…you and all your troops and many peoples with you.”

So too the invasion of Israel on Oct. 7, came upon the land suddenly, massively, and ferociously, as a storm.

“But it was not just that the invasion shared those attributes,” says Cahn. “The official name of the invasion was “Tufan” meaning flood, had an alternate translation. It could also be rendered as storm. And thus, according to this translation, the invasion bore the same name as the word given in Ezekiel’s prophecy.

Cahn says the actual Hebrew word for storm in Ezekiel’s prophecy is shoah. “Shoah can be translated as storm, devastation, destruction, desolation, or sudden catastrophe. As the worst day in Jewish history since the Holocaust, Oct. 7, was likened to that calamity. But in Hebrew the Holocaust is not called the Holocaust. It is called the Shoah. Thus the Arabic code name for October 7, matched the Hebrew name for the Holocaust.”

For the first time ever, says Cahn, the invading nations prophesied in Ezekiel 38 as “coming upon the land as a storm” took part in an invasion of Israel that actually bore the name storm.

Cahn says that this all points to one of the most mysterious entities identified in Scripture. “The Dragon’s Prophecy” reveals that this evil entity still exists and is at work in our day, even directing the course of world events—it’s a must read for every Christian in these last days.

Jonathan Cahn is known as a prophetic voice to our times. He leads Hope of the World ministry and Beth Israel/the Jerusalem Center, his ministry base and worship center in Wayne, New Jersey. He is a much-sought-after speaker and appears throughout America and the world. For more information go to

Prepared by Charisma Media staff.


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