Kingdom Giants Prophesy God Will ‘Reset the World for the Great End-Times Harvest’ in 2023


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As we enter into the year 2023, it is important to see the full spectrum of what the Holy Spirit is doing, both locally and internationally.

As the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders, we have set our hearts to issue prophetic words, warnings and admonitions, as well as calls for prayer. Prophetic intercession is an important part of our meetings as we both hear from the Lord and intercede.

End-Time Harvest

While the world has declared a global reset, God Himself is resetting the world for the great end-time harvest. The Isaiah 19 ‘Highway of Holiness’ is forming right before our eyes. This was hastened by the Abraham Accords. There is indeed a highway forming from Egypt, Assyria and Israel! Many missionaries are going forth to this significant Middle East region. Prayer gatherings are taking place all across the region and revivals are breaking out.

In fact, many nations in the Middle East, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Lebanon and others, are experiencing a great harvest of souls in the midst of terrible persecution and unrest. Egypt will experience a great and powerful move of God as the governmental anointing of Joseph is released from its borders once again to shape nations. God is up to great things in the midst of turmoil!

Watch North Korea and its threatening of South Korea and Japan. Massive prayer needs to take place for the whole region, including China, Taiwan and Indonesia. The “Ring of Fire” nations will experience new turmoil as well.

There are warnings of new terror attacks in Europe and the US. The watchmen must get on the wall.

Many prophets have focused on Haggai 2:6-8 as God shakes nations and releases the wealth of nations.

The whole economic system of the world is in a reset. God is warning that Satan will take advantage of this reset to persecute the church economically. The spirit of anti-Christ has loosed on a level we have never seen as we are marching into the end-time hours.

We are in the midst of a global meltdown of nations. Jeremiah 1:10 states it well: “it is a time of tearing down, and then there will be a time of building up.”

Great exposure of corruption will take place across the earth during this global reset. Man thinks that he is resetting the nations, but God has an over-arching plan that He is working out behind the scenes.

Divine Recovery

This is the season of “recovering all,” as God divinely intervenes to restore lost finances, property, relationships and other seemingly impossible situations.

Demonstrations of Power

We are on the eve of the greatest demonstration of God’s power in the earth! This is what has been called the “Saints Movement” where ordinary Christians do extraordinary things. This power demonstration will capture the news and make headlines. Persecutions will arise against these moves of God and the leaders. Don’t be surprised by this, but keep persevering in the middle of turmoil. Satan is going to try and bring divisions and separate close friends, but remain steady in the work of the Lord.

Seemingly small moves of God will grow big, like what happened in the Welsh revival under Evan Roberts. We will be surprised and delighted at the hot spots of revival here and there. There will be a renewed interest in the history of revival as a new generation cries out for God to “do it again!”

Instantaneous healings will take place and will come like the lightning of God. People will be delivered from mental illnesses, addictions to drugs and pornography and all manner of terminal illnesses.

The power of God will come in waves of glory. It will be like a tsunami wave of revival.

The Spirit of Offense

There is a spirit of offense that has been loosed in the earth. This is not a low-level type of spirit. It is very high-level. God is working in the hearts and minds of believers to be “unoffendable.” There are testing’s taking place to see whom God can trust to steward this coming great move of God. Even those who feel that they cannot be offended are going to be surprised at the level of offense they are capable of in the coming days.

Pride is a stumbling block. It is usually the root of offense. God admonished us that He is purging and testing the prophets first, as we are called to steward the fresh word, along with other ministries, into the earth. Don’t be caught in the snare of offense! If you are, quickly repent and do not let yourself be separated from those God is calling you to walk with in a close way.

We received a strong admonition not to get caught up in a war of words. Even though we are right, we should not get in a protective defensive mode where we try to justify ourselves. We have one justifier, and it isn’t any of us!

The Leviathan Spirit

The Leviathan spirit will work with the spirit of offense. It causes your words to be twisted and used out of context. When it works against individuals, you will manifest it by becoming defensive and even belligerent. Don’t fall into its snare!

The Cluster Anointing

God is raising up teams who will work together on a covenantal level, such as the Clapham Group with Wilberforce in England. There are reformers who will work together to bring about the marriage of righteousness and justice (Ps. 89:14).

These teams will have the “cluster anointing” such as given in Isaiah 65:8 which says that “new wine is found in the cluster.”

Reformation teams will see the needs of nations on many levels which will lead to their transformation.

The moral reformation is going to take place as even the Hollywood industry swings the pendulum to more family-friendly entertainment.

Part of the “cluster anointing” will see the partnering of the Apostle/Prophet/Evangelists. There will be a deep relational partnering and love for each other that will greatly advance the kingdom of God.

A beautiful partnering of worshiping prophets will arise that will lead in the new song with a new sound for the new day. Choirs will once again sing. This will help release the fulfillment of the Tabernacle of David being rebuilt in our day.

The east and west coasts of America will be shaken by the power of God and new teams will go out to both plow the ground for revival and steward it to keep the rivers of revival flowing.

The relationship of different gifts working together will give momentum to furthering the gospel, as well as great advances in releasing God’s will in the earth.

Note: This is the second of a three-part series. Click here for part 1.

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Since 1999, the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders has gathered some of the most respected prophetic voices from around the nation (United States) to pray and seek the Lord for a word for the next year. It is their conviction to function as an Acts 13:1-3 group; and it is the consensus of the ACPE members that the Holy Spirit is speaking the following prophetic words to them. The council is comprised of such prophetic voices as Cindy Jacobs, James Goll, Chuck Pierce and many anointed others.


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