Liberty University Targeted Again for Opponent’s ‘Pride Game’


Read time: 2 minutes 34 seconds

The continuous onslaught against Christian morality continues on October 8th. This is when UMASS football will celebrate their “pride game” while hosting the Liberty University Flames.

Known for its conservative and biblically-based school program, Liberty has found itself targeted for another “pride game” that goes against their Christian beliefs.

On September 9, the Liberty women’s field hockey team was subjected to the same circumstances against the Northwestern Wildcats.

These intentional scheduling’s are demonstrating religious intolerance on a national level. Yet, are celebrated by many, especially within the LGBT community.

UMASS made the announcement in a 37-second tweet on September 18, with a suited-up football player bathed in rainbow lighting. It was hailed as an excellent “troll” of Liberty university, the student athletes and their faith by many on Twitter.

It is not enough for the LGBT activists to force their lifestyle on the world for the entire month of June. No, they want to drive their sexual orientations down people’s throats year-round now.

What is particularly disturbing is the intent to make others who hold religious objections participate in these celebrations.

This is due to the fact that there is a spiritual war, in addition to the culture war, taking place. Satan is going to attack the Jewish community as well as the Christian community until the day he is locked away.

Recently, Yeshiva University had to halt all club activities because LGBT activists are suing them for recognition of their “pride club.” The matter was taken to the Supreme Court, who instructed the university to engage with the state’s courts first. The university refused to recognize the LGBT club due to their religious beliefs. It must be noted that this is a private university, not a public one.

“The stakes couldn’t be higher, not just for Yeshiva but for the country,” Mark Rienzi, president of the Becket Fund that is representing Yeshiva in the case, explained. “That’s why people of many different faiths filed briefs asking the court to protect Yeshiva. If Yeshiva can’t even make religious decisions on its own campus, then no religious group is safe from government control.”

Compound this case with the multitude of cases of Christian schools and programs who have been, and are currently being, sued by LGBT organizations to force them to recognize their unnatural lifestyle.

This assault on Judeo-Christian beliefs and morality shows no end in sight. With two “pride games” scheduled against Liberty University in the same semester, this type of behavior and harassment will only continue instead of fade away.

These institutions, coaches and student-athletes need to be uplifted in prayer and supported during this season of attacks. Christians must take a stand against these false-prophets, much like Elijah stood against the prophets of Baal. By doing this, God will use His faithful to overcome the enemy and display His glory. {eoa}

James Lasher is a Copy Editor for Charisma Media.


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