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Morning Rundown: How ‘The Chosen’ Is Taking the Gospel to Millions


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How ‘The Chosen’ Is Taking the Gospel to Millions

The wildly popular TV series “The Chosen,” now in its fourth season, is likely to break records this week in terms of its audience. The show, which began as a low-budget project in 2017, has already been streamed by 600 million people. The first three episodes of Season 4 will be shown in theaters this week. My prediction is that Hollywood executives won’t be able to ignore its success.

Who would have ever imagined a few years ago that a crowdfunded TV show about the life of Jesus—spread out over seven seasons—would become a global phenomenon? Media observers expect “The Chosen” to gross more than $300 million when all episodes of Season 4 are shown on the big screen during the month of February. After that, the season will be aired on the Chosen app and on various streaming services including Netflix, Amazon and Peacock.

But the most exciting development is that “The Chosen” is beginning to gain big audiences overseas. The BBC ran a feature on the show’s popularity on Jan. 24, just before the London premiere of Season 4—and word on the street is that a sizable British fanbase is developing. Meanwhile in Brazil, “The Chosen” is now the fourth most-watched TV show on Netflix—and it’s in the top 10 throughout all of Latin America.

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Christian Navy Vet Charged With Hate Crime for Toppling Satanic Statue

In a stark contrast to the recent trend of statues of the nations Founding Fathers being toppled without consequence, a Christian Navy veteran, Michael Cassidy, is facing serious legal repercussions for his act of protest against a satanic display at the Iowa Capitol. Cassidy, a former F/A-18 Hornet pilot, turned himself in after toppling a satanic statue associated with the controversial Satanic Temple.

The incident occurred just hours after a federal court found six pro-life activists guilty of peacefully demonstrating inside a late-term abortion clinic, raising concerns about the priorities of government officials and the harsh penalties being levied against Christians in America.

Meanwhile, participants in riots and vandals rarely see the inside of a courtroom, let alone get charged with felonies for their violence.

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Montana Christian Family Loses Custody Battle Over Daughter’s Gender Transition

A Montana couple, Krista and Todd Kolstad, is facing a heart-wrenching battle after losing custody of their 14-year-old daughter, Jennifer, who expressed a desire to transition her gender. The family’s ordeal began when Jennifer’s statements about suicidal thoughts prompted Child Protective Services (CPS) to intervene in August 2023.

Krista Kolstad shared with the Daily Mail the devastating impact on their family, stating, “It’s been horrible… Our family unit will never be the same.” The Kolstads argue that Jennifer’s troubled upbringing, marked by a tumultuous relationship with her birth mother and instances of bullying at school, contributed to her struggles.

Mr. Kolstad emphasized his love for his daughter, expressing concern about the decision to transition at a young age. He said, “I love my daughter unconditionally and only want her to refrain from making decisions until she has the maturity and life experiences to understand the consequences.”{eoa}

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