Pastor: God Might Need to Take Things From You in Order to Bless You


Pastor Mike Signorelli says sometimes God has to remove things from your life before He gives you new blessings. God allowed Sarah to grow too old to have children naturally, but then He turned that around and performed a miracle in the lives of both Sarah and Abraham.

“When God speaks, there’s going to be a major shift,” Signorelli says. “Your latter days will be greater than your former, good old days of your life. … In Genesis Chapter 17, he says, ‘I’m getting ready to bless you and make you a father of many nations.’ See, the blessing is when God takes out everything that shouldn’t be there. We define blessings as an accumulation. ‘Oh, God, you’re going to load me up with a whole bunch of stuff.’ But see, in order to make room for the right stuff, there’s got to be an extraction of the wrong things.

“So blessing happens when Sarah’s body’s all shriveled up and when Abraham knows, ‘I don’t have a seed in me,’ if you know what I’m talking about. But God says, ‘I will give you a seed, and Sarah’s womb will recognize that there’s something new that hit her womb and brought it back to life.'”

Signorelli prophesied that something coming in the next season of life will cause laughter, he says on the Mike Signorelli Podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network. The blessing will be so awesome, the main response will be laughter.

“There is something about what God is getting ready to do in this next season of your life that is simply going to make you laugh,” Signorelli says. “I’m not talking about a blessing that you saw coming. I’m not talking about something that you can do from your own strategy, insight and wisdom. I’m talking about something that is going to make you laugh, because when God says, ‘I declare war,’ this is how we fight our battles. …

“God will allow you to get to the end of yourself where you don’t know what to do, how to do it, how to think about it, how to approach it, how to finance it—and then He will say, ‘I declare war on your behalf; I will cause you to do the impossible with your life.'”

To listen to the entire episode, titled, The Real Secret to Success, click here.

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