Prophetic Minister: How Consistent Idleness Can Become Demonic


Prophetic minister Kathy DeGraw says laziness is a serious problem, because if it goes on for too long without being dealt with, it can become demonic.

“When we’re stuck in passivity, it can hold us back from what God’s will is for our life,” DeGraw says. “When we’ve entertained passivity for years and done nothing, [do] you know what happens? It becomes a demonic stronghold in our life. Something that was a habit and behavior pattern and emotion can become an evil spirit as we don’t press through to our breakthrough. …

“And it’s easier for you to go to a deliverance minister and expect them to just cast a demon off and be gone than for you to have to work through it or walk out your deliverance. The Bible says to ‘work out our salvation.’ When we study that word ‘salvation,’ it actually means ‘walk out our deliverance.'”

To listen to more discussion on walking out in freedom from slothfulness, click here for the entire episode.


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