Praying mothers could see blessings.

Prophetic Vision of Angelic Assignments Promises Generational Blessings for Praying Moms


In the spirit, I saw a heavenly rush of angels gathering. Prayers of mothers crying out for their children seemed to have gathered momentum. These prayers, as though being amplified in the spirit–were pounding, relentlessly shaking the door hinges of Heaven. Heaven itself had been shaken by these violent prayers as though a bear had been robbed of its cubs.

‘Answer the Front Door!’

I heard a loud voice from the throne shout to the angels, “Answer the front door! The ‘bowl of prayers for children’ prayed by their mothers is now full and tipping over! Angels, receive your assignments!”

I then saw angels stand at attention while the names of these children and their personal addresses were being written on them. Some were “on the street addresses” unknown by man but known by God. There were “prison addresses.” Even telephone numbers were being given out to some angels who would make person-to-person telephone calls on the earth to some of these children. Some assignments of angels unaware were just to make phone calls and speak to their hearts things nobody else knew. On the streets, pay phones would ring, and homeless children would be led to answer these ringing phones and receive a call from heaven.

‘I Am Awakening Your Children and Grandchildren’

The enemy is about to hear from our children and grandchildren, beginning this season. Watch and expect the passion for Christ to run wild like a raging fire inside of them. The Lord has allowed them to be placed in strategic locations in the earth, even in some unusual places where we think they shouldn’t be, held in Satan’s grip.

They have now been divinely positioned to become a firebrand in God’s hand to ignite and explode like dynamite inside the camp of the enemy! This is why the enemy forever has fought against marriages. He feared concerning the godly seed that was about to come upon the earth to do him in. And here they come!

“Your descendants will defeat their enemies” (Gen. 22:17c, MSG).

Angels on Special Assignment to Comfort Mothers

Special assignments were given to many angels to come down and strengthen and comfort mothers. I heard the Lord say to the angels: “Speak comfort to the mothers and say your warfare is accomplished. I will speak to the north to give them up and to the south to hold them back no longer. I will bring them from the east and west. I will save your children!”

“As for Me, this is My covenant with them, says the Lord: My Spirit who is upon you, and My words which I have put in your mouth shall not depart out of your mouth, nor out of the mouth of your descendants, nor out of the mouth of your descendants’ descendants, says the Lord, from this time forth and forever” (Isa. 59:21, MEV). {eoa}

Bill Yount has been a member of Bridge of Life in Hagerstown, Maryland, for the past 36 years, where he is now an elder and a home missionary. He is currently an adviser-at-large for Aglow International. Bill faithfully served in prison ministry at Mount Hope for 23 years and now travels full-time, both in the U.S. and internationally, ministering in churches and Aglow circles. Humility and humor characterize his ministry as he brings forth a fresh word that is “in season,” proclaiming the word of the Lord. The shofar, or ram’s horn, is often used in his meetings, breaking the powers of darkness over regions, churches and households. The shofar represents God’s breath blowing into the nostrils of His people, reviving them and awakening the lost. Many of God’s messages, which Bill ministers prophetically, come out of his everyday life with his family and friends. Please visit Bill’s website at

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