Prophetic Warning: Will We Halt or See World War 3?


In a recent livestream, prophetic voice Tomi Arayomi shared what he believes the Lord has not only put on his heart, but shared to him in a dream about what the possibilities are for the near future.

In the dream, Arayomi delves into a deeply concerning vision regarding the potential for World War 3. This portion of his message is marked by a clear sense of urgency and gravity, as Arayomi describes a dream involving escalating military tensions and preparations for a DEFCON-1 scenario, which signifies the highest level of military readiness and imminent threat of nuclear war. He vividly recounts, “I don’t know if it was a countdown or a count-up, but it was like DEFCON 4, DEFCON 3, DEFCON 2, DEFCON 1.”

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Arayomi emphasizes the global scale of the impending crisis by mentioning military preparations both in the United States and other nations. He says, “I saw military in America and different nations preparing for a potential DEFCON 1.” This vision serves as a stark warning to the audience about the potential for unprecedented conflict and underscores the urgent need for prayer and prophetic insight.

As most Americans are aware, elections have consequences. Arayomi did not say who he believes would win the election, as he explains God has not shown him this, but that there are essentially two paths forward with the election.

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Further describing the potential conflict within a divine framework, Arayomi suggests that the events are part of a larger prophetic timeline. He explains, “I believe prophetically the question you want to ask yourself as the church is this: do you want to halt World War 3 or do you want to see World War 3?” He adds that the vision of World War 3 is not just a prediction of geopolitical events but a call for spiritual awakening and preparedness.

Arayomi encourages his audience to seek God’s guidance, repent and align themselves with divine purposes to mitigate the looming threats. He asserts, “The season demands that we repent, we face God.” This message is a potent reminder of the power of prophecy and the pivotal role of the church in navigating through tumultuous times.

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James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.


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