Prophetic Word 2025: Rick Renner’s Call to Prepare for a Storm


As we step into 2025, Rick Renner of Renner Ministries delivers a prophetic word brimming with both challenge and hope. He speaks to the body of Christ with clarity, urging us to brace for a season of intense warfare but also to rise in faith, equipped with God’s promises.

Renner begins with a reminder of the apostle Paul’s instruction to Timothy in 1 Timothy 1:18: “Remember the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them mightest wage a good warfare.” He emphasizes that prophetic words are tools for spiritual battle, declaring, “God has given you everything you need to walk in victory in 2025.”

A Season of Intense Warfare

Renner’s word warns of battles on three key fronts: economic, political and spiritual. He describes these challenges but assures us that we can navigate them with God’s help.

  • Economic Battles:
    Renner foresees economic shakings in various parts of the world and calls believers to prepare by continuing to sow seeds of generosity. He cites Ecclesiastes 11:6, saying, “Sow your seed right now and don’t stop. You do not know precisely what the future holds economically, but if you keep sowing, it means you’ll be in good shape regardless of what happens.”
  • Political Battles:
    Highlighting the current climate of political incivility, Renner likens it to Jesus’ words in Matthew 24:7, describing “kingdom rising against kingdom.” He notes, “The public behavior of politicians and political parties has departed from the days of respectful disagreement into an ugly mess of intolerance and mudslinging.”
  • Spiritual Battles:
    The church faces division, with some embracing compromise while others hold fast to biblical truths. Renner foresees three types of churches emerging:
    1. A church that holds to the truth and experiences the power of the Holy Spirit.
    2. A compromising church that seeks to avoid conflict.
    3. A lukewarm church, devoid of God’s power and leaving Christ outside its doors.

Renner warns, “Unless a major revival occurs, this rift will only grow deeper and wider.”

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Battening Down the Hatches

Renner uses the imagery of preparing for a storm, urging believers to be mentally and spiritually ready. He reminds us that we are not alone, saying, “With the grace of God, the power of the Holy Spirit, the promises of God’s Word and the weaponry He has given, we can move forward step by step.”

Renner encourages us to rely on these resources, assuring us that “God will triumphantly lead His people forward and carry out His plans for this end-time age.”

Rejoice, Not Fear

In a world filled with uncertainty, Renner challenges us to choose joy over fear. “This is not a time to fear, moan, or cry, but a time to rejoice, for God is strategically at work even in ways you do not see,” he says.

Citing Psalm 2:4, Renner reminds us that God laughs at the plans of those who oppose Him, declaring, “The one who sits in the heavens laughs… and He will ultimately have them in derision.”

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Faith That Overcomes

Renner leaves us with an empowering message rooted in 1 John 5:4: “This is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.” He explains that our faith enables us to rise above every challenge, likening it to Noah’s ark floating on waters that destroyed the world.

He urges believers to stand firm on biblical truth, warning that without it, the church risks becoming “a spiritually weak humanitarian organization with a Christian philosophy that lacks the power of God.” But for those who remain steadfast, Renner prophesies “a visitation of God’s glory.”

The Call to Stand Firm

As we navigate 2025, Renner’s word is both a warning and a rallying cry. The battles ahead are real, but so is God’s provision. “The Lord is a man of war,” Renner proclaims. “He knows exactly how to strategize against and overcome every assault against His people and His truth.”

Now is the time to prepare, to rejoice and to walk in the victory God has promised. By faith, we can overcome.

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James Lasher is staff writer for Charisma Media.


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