Robert Redford May Play Oral Roberts in ‘There-Is-No-Hell’ Carlton Pearson Biopic

Robert Redford

Carlton Pearson stirred quite a scandal when he came out with his there-is-no-hell theology. Now, a movie is in the works about his life.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, “The film, which will be financed and produced by Endgame Entertainment (Looper), chronicles the true story of Carlton Pearson, a renowned evangelical minister in Tulsa, Oklahoma, who stirs up controversy with his revelation that there is no hell. He loses everything and must rebuild his church and his family and find his own personal faith. Jeffrey Wright (Quantum of Solace) is in talks to take on the starring role of Pearson.”

Film producers are in talks with Robert Redford to play Oral Roberts, a Pentecostal pioneer who emerged in the Voice of Healing movement and founded Oral Roberts University.

Pearson is thrilled, sharing on his Facebook page that it has been a long time in the works. The film is based on an interview he gave to NPR in what he calls “the worst ministerial experience of my 45 years in it.”

Pearson also defended his gospel of inclusion. Noteworthy is the fact that the screenwriter for the film, Marcus Hinchey, is an atheist.

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