The Ancient Principality That Is Shaking Your World


Jonathan Cahn Reveals the Demonic Entity Behind
All That’s Happening In Our World Today

Jonathan Cahn’s stunning new book, “The Dragon’s Prophecy: Israel, the Dark Resurrection, and the End of Days” reveals that behind the war in the Middle East, behind Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah and the world at the brink of world war lies an ancient entity!

“The Dragon’s Prophecy,” published by Charisma Media, is perhaps Cahn’s most explosive book yet and is already a blockbuster bestseller, breaking sales records around the world. In the book—which he says is like no other he has written before—Cahn removes the veil behind world news and current events to reveal stunning spiritual revelations that focus on the nation of Israel.

Some Tremendous News & Thanks From Jonathan Cahn

“The Bible says that in the last days that Israel will be the center of controversy,” Cahn says. “And here we are. Israel is at the center of world controversy and the most powerful nations in the world are in fear of world war.”

A Demonic Enemy Revealed

Cahn opens up a stunning mystery from the prophet Daniel, who in 605 B.C. was taken captive from Israel to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar. At that time, Daniel received revelation from God concerning Israel and the last days:

“Now on the twenty-fourth day of the first month, as I [Daniel] was by the side of the great river, that is, the Tigris, I lifted my eyes and looked, and behold, a certain man clothed in linen, whose waist was girded with gold of Uphaz … Then he said to me, “Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard; and I have come because of your words. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia (Sar Malkhut Paras) withstood me twenty-one days,” (Dan. 10:4-5, 12-13).

“The man Daniel saw wasn’t just a man,” Cahn says, “he was an angel. He came to give Daniel a revelation from God. And he answered from the day Daniel started praying, but he was stopped. The angel was prevented from coming to Daniel because of another entity he calls the Sar Malkhut Paras.” 

Cahn explains that in Hebrew the word Sar means master, ruler, captain, or general. The word Malkhut means kingdom. The word ‘Paras’ is Persia. So the Sar Paras here is an entity of evil, a demonic entity, battling the angel of God.

“The prophecy the angel gave to Daniel focuses on the Jewish people in Babylon, and on the Temple that is yet to be built on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem,” says Cahn. “It all links up with the book of Revelation, the Antichrist, the end of the age, the return of Messiah.”

In short, the Sar Paras sought to stop the purposes of God for the end times—to stop their fulfillment before it happened. “This anti-Israel demonic spirit is linked to one specific nation of all nations on earth: Persia. Sar Paras is translated as ‘the Prince of Persia’ and since Persia today is Iran, it can be translated as ‘the Ruler of Iran’—a demonic spirit ruling Iran. It’s all here in the Bible.”

Bent On Destruction

“The Dragon’s Prophecy” reveals how the Sar Paras’ mission is to use the nation of Persia (Iran) as his instrument of destruction. “Spirits do not die,” says Cahn, “so the Sar Paras did not perish in ancient times but still exists. An actual spirit is ruling Iran today, specifically warring against Israel and God’s end time purposes. It seeks to stop Israel from rebuilding the Temple and to stop the coming of the Messiah.”

Cahn points out that the return of Jews to Israel has activated this spirit and that it was only a matter of time before it exploded. And it exploded in the Iranian Revolution. “That’s why what has happened to Iran is not normal, it’s demonic. Iran has become this evil agent on the world stage.”

Cahn says he is not talking about the Iranian people, but about the government, known for sponsoring terrorism around the world. “Iranian leaders have railed against Israel and have threatened again and again to destroy it,” he says. “No normal nation does that. But the demons do. That’s why Iran is hellbent on acquiring nuclear weapons—because demonic spirits are all about destruction.

“The nations of the world have tried to control Iran. They’ve tried to contain and sanction Iran. The problem is, they think they’re dealing with a nation, but they’re not—they’re dealing with a demonic spirit. And you can’t contain a demonic spirit by diplomacy.”

The Dragon’s Prophecy” reveals that, driven by these demonic spirits, Iran has spread itself across the Middle East seeking to possess and control other nations and organizations—to possess them for evil.

“It’s no accident that Iran’s tentacles stretch into one terrorist organization after the next,” says Cahn “And one of those organizations is Hamas, in Gaza. It was Iran that caused Hamas to fire on Israel on October 7. The slaughter and atrocities behind that attack weren’t human, they were demonic. And Iran’s direct attack on Israel threatens the entire region and the entire world.”

Cahn says the Sar Paras is happy to see any nation destroyed. “But most of all they want Israel destroyed. Because if they can destroy Israel, they can stop Messiah from coming. And if they can stop Him from coming they can stop their own defeat.”

A Raging Battle in the Spirit Realm

Thankfully, there is greater power on God’s side. Daniel says, “The [Sar Paras] withstood me twenty-one days; and behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me,” (Dan. 10:13).

Get your copy today of Jonathan Cahn’s latest best-selling book, The Dragon’s Prophecy, ay

“The Bible calls Michael a chief angel, an archangel. Daniel 12:1 says that at tribulation, Michael—the Sar, the prince, the ruler who stands for your people—will stand up. So behind the nation of Persia (Iran) is the Sar Paras, a demonic entity bent on stopping the purposes of God in the last days, and behind the nation of Israel is Michael the prince, the Sar Israel.”

With these two entities battling in the spiritual realm, what would we expect to happen in the natural realm?

“We would expect the two nations would be drawn to war against each other,” says Cahn, “and they have. Just as these two spiritual entities—Sar Paras and Sar Israel—are battling, that’s exactly what you have on Earth. It’s all here in the word of God. Behind the conflict of Israel and Iran is the conflict of two spiritual entities, each one identified thousands of years earlier.”

Cahn notes that Michael appears again in Revelation 12:7: “Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back.”

“In Daniel, Michael wars against the Sar Paras. In Revelation, he wars against the Dragon. What does that tell us? That the Sar Paras, ruler of Iran, wars on the side of the Dragon. The Dragon is the enemy, Satan. He’s behind it all.

“Behind October 7th were the terrorists of Gaza. Behind the terrorists of Gaza was Hamas. Behind Hamas was Iran. Behind Iran was the ancient entity, the Sar Paras. And behind the Sar Paras is the Dragon, Satan.

“On the other hand, behind Israel is Michael, Sar Israel. Behind Mikel is Messiah. And behind Messiah is the Ancient of Days: God, the Holy One of Israel.”

Do Not Fear

How does all this apply to your life? “The Dragon’s Prophecy” ends with hope and strength for all believers today. “This tells you that God is real,” says Cahn. “His word is true. What He foretold thousands of years ago is coming true before our very eyes.

“By virtue of the new birth, you are a child of Israel in the spirit. The enemy may fire his flaming missiles at you, but God will shoot them down. Do not fear what comes against you. Do not fear the darkness, persecution, or the powers of this world, because much greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world,” (1 John 4:4).

“The One who is in you is the God of Israel. His name is the Almighty, the God of all the earth. Just follow Him with all your heart and know that with your God is power and strength and all victory. For He who keeps Israel will also keep you. These are dramatic, prophetic times. So be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might and He will be strong for you.”

Jonathan Cahn is known as a prophetic voice to our times. He leads Hope of the World ministry and Beth Israel/the Jerusalem Center, his ministry base and worship center in Wayne, New Jersey. He is a much-sought-after speaker and appears throughout America and the world. For more information go to

Prepared by Charisma Media Staff.


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