Jamal Bryant of 'The Preachers'

‘The Preachers’ Jamal Bryant Refuses to Repent for Marriage Quip, Despite Outrage


With an easy grin and quick wit, pastor Jamal Bryant cracked a remark about open marriages, enraging millions of viewers, including his own mother.  

“My mother called me ‘Sleepless in Seattle’ trying to figure out, ‘what did I mean laughing about open marriages. God is not pleased,'” Bryant tells viewers after his interview with Mo’Nique went viral.  

In The Preachers, Bryant tells Mo’Nique and husband Sidney Hicks, who have an “open marriage,” that he, too, believes in open marriage.  

“I think that’s amazing and a lot of people think that is novel and y’all ‘church people’ are going to have a heart attack,” Bryant said. “I believed in open marriage, I just forgot to tell my ex-wife about it.” 

This caught the attention of End Times Headlines Ricky Scaparo:  

What’s even more shocking is the fact that Jamal Bryant, who is the pastor and founder of Empowerment Temple AME Church in Baltimore, Maryland commended the idea and never rebuked it or tried to sway the couple from their decision! This immediately reminded me of the church of Corinth and how they were rebuked by the apostle Paul when he received report of a sexual relationship taking place in the church between a young man and his step-mother. Did Paul commend the relationship? No! He rebuked the church for commending it and turning a blind-eye to the sin! He then went on to give instructions to the pastor of what to do about it. 

But even after the flak, Bryant has yet to publicly repent for his comments.  

“Many years ago Franklin D. Roosevelt said, ‘if they’re not kicking your butt you’re not up front.’ The only way they can do it is you’ve got to be ahead of them,” Bryant said. “It’s been a major adjustment, none of us have done daytime television. I took the greatest hit last week. Some 7.5 million of you watched a clip on YouTube so let me say thank you to all of my haters and thank you to all of my celebrators.” 

Watch the video to see more.


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